Hi All
Is it possible to create sequential unique ID field based on an advanced sorting of the attributes using Python? And without installing ET GeoWizards? (ArcGIS 10.2)
This doesn't work
38517 - Create sequential numbers in a field using Python in the Field Calculator
ET GeoWizards
SOLUTION for adding new sequential ID numbers based on sorted data
Solved! Go to Solution.
If you like, post the code you used and we can help you debug it.
I just tested my logic and it worked in a file geodatabase. Here is updated code that is a little more flexible.
def main(): import arcpy import os temp_gdb = r"N:\TechTemp\BlakeT\Work\TEMP.gdb" fc = os.path.join(temp_gdb, "TEMP_Line") sortFieldName = "Note1" seqFieldName = "SeqID" # Step 1 existingFields = [field.name for field in arcpy.ListFields(fc)] if seqFieldName not in existingFields: arcpy.AddField_management(fc, seqFieldName, "SHORT") # Step 2 cursorFields = [sortFieldName, seqFieldName] sql_postfix = 'ORDER BY {}'.format(sortFieldName) with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, cursorFields, sql_clause=(None, sql_postfix)) as u_cursor: # Step 3 for seqid, row in enumerate(u_cursor, start=1): # Step 4 row[1] = seqid u_cursor.updateRow(row) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
And you don't have the advanced license either do you? Sort tool help
Yes I have advanced license
The link I provided has a discussion. You will at least be able to determine whether it meets your needs then.
It's one workaround, I would also get the same result by adding a new field (for the Unique ID's) , Advanced sorting the data, then copying attributes to excel, adding sequential numbers then copying back to Arc while editing. It would be nice to have the ability of field calculator with selections etc, using python.
Forgot autoincrement uses the feature ID. I will try to find a simpler workaround and post it (numpy offers possibilities)
The autoincrement doesn't work on sorted fields, it works off the created order eg FID/ObjectID
yes I caught that and edit mine a while ago.
don't have arcmap on the iThingy, I was thinking of a workaround when sorting on geometry is done,
thought I dealt with this before, I wrote it down
Could you try something like this?
I haven't tested this, but here's an example:
def main():
import arcpy
import os
temp_gdb = r"C:\Temp\MyGDB.gdb"
fc = os.path.join(temp_gdb, "MyFC")
# Step 1
arcpy.AddField_management(fc, "SeqID", "SHORT")
# Step 2
fields = ["OID@", "MySortField", "SeqID"]
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, fields, sql_clause=(None, 'ORDER BY MySortField')) as u_cursor:
# Step 3
for seqid, row in enumerate(u_cursor, start=1):
# Step 4
row[2] = seqid
if __name__ == '__main__':