create a layer using python in ArcMap 10.4

06-15-2016 08:48 AM
Deactivated User

I'm a self taught (well still learning) Python/ArcGis programmer. The company I work for does well maps.

How does one use python to create a layer?

I know I can click down to the personal Geodatabase.mdb on ArcMaps and right click and do a 'create layer' but we have a huge number of maps to create and we have a large library of GDB to make into layers on maps. I would hope the script behind that 'create layer' would be visible but it isn't.

I want to make a batch process to do all the work instead of getting on ArcMap 10.4 and doing them one by one. I presume arcpy and one (or several of the functions/methods) are used.

Thanks for any help!

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16 Replies
Deactivated User
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Deactivated User

Thanks but the create feature class has linkrot. At least it cannot find it. How did you find it?


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Deactivated User

got it. Thanks!

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Deactivated User

Question.. which comes first. the layer or the feature class?


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MVP Honored Contributor

Serious question or classic joke?

Deactivated User

No. I now see I first run the CreateFeatureclass_management and then MakeFeatureLayer. But it is going to be complicated as I have to find out where the spatial_reference template they want me to use!

Sadly they are on vacation.... Thanks anyway.

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Frequent Contributor

Heya Paul,

Congratulations on diving into Python! Yours is a classic example of why folks should learn Python and arcpy.

You may wish to also check out the Save to Layer File GP tool. You could implement it like:

import os, arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = r'C:\gisdata\mdb\roads.mdb'
layerFileFolder = r'C:\gisdata\layerFiles'
for fc in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses():
    arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc, 'tempLayer')
    arcpy.SaveToLayerFile_management('tempLayer', os.path.join(layerFileFolder, arcpy.Describe(fc).baseName + '.lyr'))

Hope this helps! Happy scripting.


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Deactivated User

Thanks guys, here is where I'm at.

In a created GDB we have four classes already there (in hundreds of these.)



                A_003_076     -  Geodatabase Feature Class

                B_003_076     - Geodatabase Feature Class

                C_003_076     - Geodatabase Feature Class

                D_003_076     - Geodatabase Feature Class

And in a template GDB they have the same Classes but three more they want to copy.

But these three Feature Classes have some data.



      F_mapgrid_number     <--want to copy this Geodatabase Feature Class


      G_mapgrid_number   <--want to copy this Geodatabase Feature Class


      H_mapgrid_number     <--want to copy this Geodatabase Feature Class



So F, G, and H have to be copied AND renamed so the 'mapgrid_number' = such as '003_076'.

I created them using...

arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(out_path, out_name, geometry_type, template, has_m, has_z, spatial_reference)

Which works fine and ArcMap shows it up.

But now I need to copy INTO the new created F, G, and H Geodatabase Feature Class from another GDB that already has a F, G, and H Geodatabase Feature Classes that has data they want to show up on ALL of them.

Now do I create as I did above and then use arcpy.CopyFeatures_management to overlay the new F, G, and H I already have or is there some way to skip the create and just copy it across.



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