Can you give more context/information on what you're doing, what tools you're using to do it, and the full error message?
This is in the python area, is this a script which is failing or just a tool? If a script, can you share the script?
I am trying to copy a shapefile before I perform my analysis so I have a backup. This worked Thursday last week with no issue but now it is not.
This is code subset
input shapefile: feature = r"J:\1086\210\GIS\ROW_140\Data\OLIVER\Refined\Acushnet_Oliver_Parcels_15.shp"
output shapefile: featureCopy = r"J:\1086\210\GIS\ROW_140\Data\Draft\Draft_Acushnet_Parcels.shp"
tool used: arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(feature, featureCopy)
ERROR 000210: Cannot create output J:\1086\210\GIS\ROW_140\Data\Draft\Draft_Acushnet_Parcels.shp
Failed to execute (CopyFeatures).
BUG-000124936: Exporting or copying a dataset to a new feature clas.. (
BUG-000121494: Using the memory workspace as the output while execu.. (
lots of reasons more
input path same as output?
using in_memory?
I can see how that would work when using a geodatabase. But I am not sure if this would apply for shapefiles. My input and output are two different shapefiles going to two different locations.
then the tool inputs or you python code needs to be looked at
the old path beginning with numbers issue
raw encoding
p = r"J:\1086\210\GIS\ROW_140\Data\Draft\Draft_Acushnet_Parcels.shp"