I have a script that runs perfectly fine using variables for the inputs. As soon as I turn them to parameters, I am running into a "RUN TIME ERROR" with no details. I cannot for the life of me figure out the issue. Any suggestions? The
import arcpy as ap
import numpy as np
import os
# set environmental variables
gdb = ap.GetParameterAsText(1)
scratch = ap.GetParameterAsText(2)
# Set default geodatabase as workspace
ap.env.workspace = gdb
# Allow files to be overwritten by python code
ap.env.overwriteOutput = True
# Analysis Files
pc = ap.GetParameterAsText(5)
nds = ap.GetParameterAsText(3)
nd_layer_name = "NetworkDataSet"
Output_FD = ap.GetParameterAsText(7)
Imp = ap.GetParameterAsText(6)
Impedance = []
for x in Imp.split(';'):
### School Network Service Area ###
# Create a network dataset layer and get hte desired travel mode
nd_travel_modes = ap.nax.GetTravelModes(nd_layer_name)
travel_mode = nd_travel_modes[ap.GetParameterAsText(4)]
ap.AddMessage("Create network dataset")
# Instantiate a ServiceArea solver object
service_area = ap.nax.ServiceArea(nd_layer_name)
search_query=[['RoadsNetwork',"'STREET' IS NOT NULL And 'STREET' <> ''"]]
search_tolerance = 500
# Set properties
service_area.distanceUnits = ap.nax.DistanceUnits.Meters
service_area.travelMode = travel_mode
service_area.outputType = ap.nax.ServiceAreaOutputType.Polygons
service_area.geometryAtOverlap = ap.nax.ServiceAreaOverlapGeometry.Overlap
service_area.searchToleranceUnits = ap.nax.DistanceUnits.Meters
for n in Impedance:
service_area.defaultImpedanceCutoffs = [n]
fd = str(n)+'m'
fm_fac = service_area.fieldMappings(ap.nax.ServiceAreaInputDataType.Facilities,True)
fm_fac["Name"].mappedFieldName = 'PCODE'
ap.AddMessage("Create a network Service Area {} network analysis layer".format(fd))
# Load Inputs
service_area.load(ap.nax.ServiceAreaInputDataType.Facilities, pc,field_mappings=fm_fac, append=False)
ap.AddMessage("Facilities loaded!")
# Solve the analysis
result = service_area.solve()
ap.AddMessage("Create a network Service Area {} network analysis layer".format(fd))
expresult = os.path.join(Output_FD,"RoadNtwkBuf_"+fd)
# Export Feature Class
result.export(ap.nax.ServiceAreaOutputDataType.Polygons, expresult)
for field in ap.ListFields(expresult):
if field.required == False:
if field.name not in ['Name','ToBreak']:
ap.management.AlterField(expresult,'Name','PCODE',clear_field_alias = "CLEAR_ALIAS")
ap.management.AlterField(expresult,'ToBreak','BufferSize',clear_field_alias = "CLEAR_ALIAS")
ap.AddMessage('Calculated service area for {}-m service area buffer'.format(n))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "...\Scripts\01_NetworkBuffers.py", line 78, in <module>
result.export(ap.nax.ServiceAreaOutputDataType.Polygons, expresult)
Failed to execute (NetworkBuffers).
Solved! Go to Solution.
hmm, how about changing the output location to just the GDB, possibly a mix of coordinate systems? What's with C:\Users\C:\Users\ for params 3 and 5?
Although you'd expect it to be the same as the input - and as you ay the tool does work a a standalone script.
I know you have the overwriteOutput set but still try making sure there's no locks/existing data etc. as part of the testing.
I don't see the full filepaths listed in the tool, looks more like they were dragged as layers - possibly try the full file path for GetParmeterAsText to work, or just as layers/datasets with GetParameter(n). What data types do you have set?
I'd guess this is causing 'result' to be empty.
Thanks for the idea, but when printing out the parameters, they are all paths:
p(0): C:\Users\...\03_WorkingData\HEAL_ActiveLivingIndex
p(1): C:\Users\...\03_WorkingData\HEAL_ActiveLivingIndex\HEAL_ActiveLivingIndex.gdb
p(2): C:\Users\...\03_WorkingData\HEAL_ActiveLivingIndex\Scratch.gdb
p(3): C:\Users\C:\Users\...\03_WorkingData\HEAL_ActiveLivingIndex\HEAL_ActiveLivingIndex.gdb\RoadNetwork\NetworkDataSet
p(5): C:\UsersC:\Users\...\03_WorkingData\HEAL_ActiveLivingIndex\HEAL_ActiveLivingIndex.gdb\TESTPC
p(6): 400;800;1000
p(7): C:\Users\C:\Users\...\03_WorkingData\HEAL_ActiveLivingIndex\HEAL_ActiveLivingIndex.gdb\Analysis
I also get the following when printing out the result feature:
<arcgisscripting.ServiceAreaResult object at 0x00000223C8FBAD10>
So I believe the 'result' is not empty
hmm, how about changing the output location to just the GDB, possibly a mix of coordinate systems? What's with C:\Users\C:\Users\ for params 3 and 5?
Although you'd expect it to be the same as the input - and as you ay the tool does work a a standalone script.
I know you have the overwriteOutput set but still try making sure there's no locks/existing data etc. as part of the testing.
You got it! Projection issue! Local dataset combined with a National dataset so mixing UTM Z17 with Lambert.... so annoying
parameter 4?
seems to be missing, or it is my eyes