Compress PDFs with Python

05-11-2022 05:32 PM
MVP Regular Contributor

Hi all,

I'm looking for a way to compress exported layouts beyond the "export as image" option. That is, I want to compress them a la the "Optimize" tool in Adobe Acrobat.

I've done some googling and it appears there may be some packages floating around to let me do it, but I was wondering if there was anything in the standard set of packages installed with Pro that would allow me to do this.


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2 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Look at the python package manager within Pro and see if any of your googled packages are on the list.

... sort of retired...
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MVP Regular Contributor

Hi Dan, I had actually checked there, as well as opening up .py files that looked promising (zip, anything with pdf in the name, etc.), prior to asking this here, but I just checked again to be sure.

My reason for asking is because I know frequently there's capability hidden in odd places that aren't readily apparent. 

With that in mind, are there any packages that might be hiding similar capability?

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