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Clearing Arc/Arcpy workspace locks

11-19-2012 02:00 PM
Frequent Contributor
Particularly with the release of ArcGIS 10.1 I have had a great deal of trouble with workspaces being locked within complex codes that are creating, reading from and writing to numerous feature classes and workspaces. These locks cause the code to fail intermittently at different places, although occasionally making it through without a problem.

I have previously posted on this with a solution that sometimes helps reduce the problem, but is unable to eliminate it completely. That is using arcpy.Exists() and arcpy.Compact() in sequence upon the workspace. This combination of tools, when used in ArcGIS 10.0, seemed adequate, however it is no longer sufficient in 10.1 to prevent issues 100% of the time.

In response to this I have developed a new method for clearing tricky locks which, for my purposes, works 100% of the time. It is a small function that can be added to the start of any arcpy script, and it requires the psutil Python library, which can be acquired here: When using multiprocessing the code seems to work fine with the Parallel Python library, but will hang indefinitely if you are using the Multiprocessing library due to (I guess) the method in which child processes are spawned. However, the Parallel Python library has other issues, for example, I have had trouble with it when getting it to run checked out extensions such as Network Analyst.

The following codeblock shows the necessary imports, the function block and an example of the usage.
import arcpy

import os
import psutil

def clearWSLocks(inputWS):
 '''Attempts to clear ArcGIS/Arcpy locks on a workspace.

 Two methods:
  1: if ANOTHER process (i.e. ArcCatalog) has the workspace open, that process is terminated
  2: if THIS process has the workspace open, it attempts to clear locks using arcpy.Exists, arcpy.Compact and arcpy.Exists in sequence

  1: does not work well with Python Multiprocessing
  2: this will kill ArcMap or ArcCatalog if they are accessing the worspace, so SAVE YOUR WORK

 Required imports: os, psutil

 # get process ID for this process (treated differently)
 thisPID = os.getpid()

 # normalise path
 _inputWS = os.path.normpath(inputWS)

 # get list of currently running Arc/Python processes
 p_List = []
 ps = psutil.process_iter()
 for p in ps:
  if ('Arc' in or ('python' in

 # iterate through processes
 for pid in p_List:
  p = psutil.Process(pid)

  # if any have the workspace open
  if any(_inputWS in pth for pth in [fl.path for fl in p.get_open_files()]):
   print '      !!! Workspace open: %s' % _inputWS

   # terminate if it is another process
   if pid != thisPID:
    print '      !!! Terminating process: %s' %
    print '      !!! This process has workspace open...'

 # if this process has workspace open, keep trying while it is open...
 while any(_inputWS in pth for pth in [fl.path for fl in psutil.Process(thisPID).get_open_files()]):
  print '    !!! Trying Exists, Compact, Exists to clear locks: %s' % all([arcpy.Exists(_inputWS), arcpy.Compact_management(_inputWS), arcpy.Exists(_inputWS)])

 return True

## clearWSLocks usage example #########

# define paths and names
workspace = 'C:\\Temp\\test.gdb'
tableName = 'testTable'

# create table
arcpy.CreateTable_management(workspace, tableName)

# usage of clearWSLocks

I have also attached the code as a separate module (, which can be used in the following fashion:
import arcpy
import clearWSLocks

# define paths and names
workspace = 'C:\\Temp\\test.gdb'
tableName = 'testTable'

# create table
arcpy.CreateTable_management(workspace, tableName)

# usage of clearWSLocks
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23 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor
Hi there Stacy,

I'm mainly replying here so that I am subscribed to this thread, but also uncover possible alternatives (for me) as other comments come in as I am new to Python development.  Plus I will likely need to implement the code example you've provided!

I've actually had a run-in with the locking issue, but was able to mitigate (actually, eliminate) the problem by reading/writing intermediate data to the IN_MEMORY space, then move that processed data to it's final location(s) in their relevent workspaces and repositories (PGDB and FDGB's).

I am wondering, is there something in your application architecture that is limiting your ability to utilize this IN_MEMORY space to read/write intermediate data?

Is the IN_MEMORY space inadequate for some reason (eg, the data is simply too large)?

The multiprocessing requirements do not allow for the use of the IN_MEMORY space?

Anyway -- great topic and useful code.

Take Care,
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor
I have simple scripts that sometimes report a file lock and when I run them again immediately, just run normally.
It is very hard to make some processes give up the file locks.

At 10.1 it has been suggested in the technical sessions to use the 'with' construct which is guaranteed to close cursors instead of relying on garbage collection after a del cursor.

Any other hints and experiences?
0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor
Thanks Kim - for a while I required my code to run in both 10.0 and 10.1 at the same time, so I couldn't use the with statement. However, I still had issues with locks after creating feature classes and adding fields, etc., which do not have a with statement...

They really should implement something to let the program definitely close the file (like a .close() function), such as discussed by Sean Gillies in his excellent blog here. I guess the issue occurs because files are just represented by paths, not file objects as they are in GDAL/OGR.
Frequent Contributor
Thanks James,

Is the IN_MEMORY space inadequate for some reason (eg, the data is simply too large)?

I have seen a few people talk about IN_MEMORY, but I have never seen any help files or code examples using it, so I have never tried it out! Sounds like something I should look into!

0 Kudos
MVP Frequent Contributor
Thanks James,

I have seen a few people talk about IN_MEMORY, but I have never seen any help files or code examples using it, so I have never tried it out! Sounds like something I should look into!


In addition to relief from the locking issue I was having, the in_memory space performs much better.  However, I do see that threre are limitations to it as well and it can be a double-edged sword as you will then be upping the RAM usage (I think).  But the idea is to do the processing there, then write out the final output to where you need the result(s) to be.

It is very easy to implement, just set your workspace to it and process as normal.  Here is an example of a def() I use before I start any processing to "clear" out the IN_MEMORY sapce (although, I am not so sure this is even required.  But because I am still unsure how garbage collection fully works when tools are being run from ArcCatalog in succession -- so I just clear it out anyway).

I am implementing arcgisscripting(9.3) for ArcGIS 9.3.1 here

def ClearINMEM():
   ## clear out the IN_MEMORY workspace of any featureclasses
     gp.Workspace = "IN_MEMORY"
     ### clear in_memory of featureClasses
     fcs = gp.ListFeatureClasses()
     ### for each FeatClass in the list of fcs's, delete it.
     for f in fcs:
        gp.AddMessage("deleted feature class: " + f)

     ### clear in_memory of tables
     tables = gp.ListTables()
     for tbl in tables:
        gp.AddMessage("deleted table: " + tbl)
     gp.AddMessage("in_memory space cleared")
     gp.AddMessage("The following error(s) occured attempting to ClearINMEM " + gp.GetMessages())

0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor

Late to the party but....

Stacy, thanks for the post.

I've inherited some python code that makes use of your 10.0 ClearWSLocks so very helpful to find this "newer" version since we're still running servers on 10.1

Just to add a contribution, the IN_MEMORY is very useful, IF you have sufficient RAM on the processing device.

I wrote a script to pickup a file geodB of roads for a large county (almost 1200 Sq Miles) and dump part of it out into an Excel file.  Using IN_MEMORY really sped it up.

0 Kudos
Emerging Contributor

Hi Stacy,

I am trying to update a feature class by running a python script after hours.

Unfortunately I am having trouble with file locks caused by other users.

I have tried your, but it runs with this error:

So it is complaining about this section of code:

Do you have any idea what could be causing this?

I am using ArcGIS 10.2... not sure if that makes a difference or not.

Thanks for your help!

0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus

Scott, did you download psutil (or do you have it already?)  Looks like you can get it​    

If that isn't imported, then is will have an issue with line 26 in your code above.

0 Kudos
Emerging Contributor

Hi there,

Yes I have installed psutil... any other ideas?


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