Hi ,
i try to check if layer "openSpace" are in area coordinate with this code:
import arcpy from arcpy import env area= '178000 672000 190000 655000' env.workspace = r"C:\Project" for mxdname in arcpy.ListFiles("*.mxd"): print mxdname mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(r"C:\Project\\" + mxdname) df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Layers")[0] df.extent = area desc = arcpy.Describe(r"C:\Project\layers\openSpace.shp") if (map_Y_Max > layer_Y_max) and (map_X_Max > layer_X_max) and (map_Y_Min < layer_Y_min) and (map_X_Min < layer_X_min): print "layer is inside map extent" else: print "layer is outside map extent" mxd.save() del mxd
but i get an error:
>>> antiquities.mxd Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\yaron.KAYAMOT\Desktop\check if every layer in df extent_geonet.py", line 15, in <module> if (map_Y_Max > layer_Y_max) and (map_X_Max > layer_X_max) and (map_Y_Min < layer_Y_min) and (map_X_Min < layer_X_min): NameError: name 'map_Y_Max' is not defined >>>
i don't understand what my mistake because the layer extent is:
thanks for any help.
because you haven't defined the variables that represent the extent, check this help topic
http:// desktop.arcgis.com/en/desktop/latest/analyze/arcpy-mapping/dataframe-class.htm remove the space after //
Timothy Hales seem to be having issues today with copy-paste urls don't know if it is an iThingy issue, but it worked fine yesterday
Dan, for sone reason your link is coming up in error. (jive us sue again?).
This may be the topic Dan is trying to show ArcGIS Help (10.2, 10.2.1, and 10.2.2) .?
I fixed the link...don't know what was going on, it works on the iThingy, but i copied the link and split off the first bit for copy,paste-concatenate
I'm still having issues with both of you links ...on my iPad (even rebooted it). I'll cooy paste the data frame page from my Safari link for 10.3. If this doesn't work, may be a Timothy Hales item
DataFrame—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
edit....mine is coming up in error on my iPad too. But I've noticed that all browser searches that past week or so are showing 10.2 and earlier links again, instead on 10.3, so may be related issue.
I posted a 10.3 link and fixed my original post... Grief...in short the topic to check in the help files is listed in the URL so not all is lost
but i have those values in the extent of the layer
see these variables map_Y_Max, layer_Y_max , etc etc
they aren't defined in the code anywhere. Python doesn't automagically assign numbers to variables, you have to assign them to those variables.
So you are either not showing all your code or you didn't assign numbers to those variables.
YCC can define an extent like that.
But you have to get the numbers the right way round.
His extent is in the wrong order.
>>> import arcpy >>> ext = arcpy.Extent(0, 0, 100, 100) >>> ext.XMin 0.0
I take it back....
arcpy.Extent does do some basic checking by default. Clever, clever esri....
>>> ext = arcpy.Extent(0, 100, 100, 0) >>> ext.XMin, ext.YMin, ext.XMax, ext.YMax (0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0) >>>