Change field names from field Mapping zone in ArctoolBox

10-13-2015 08:02 AM
New Contributor III

​Hi all

I create an arctoolbox using field mapping in the code. I was able to add my table to the field mapping object. I remember that in the merge tool, I can change the field names, formatting, etc. from the field mapping zone. I believe that there is code behind that. I tried but unfortunately I was not able. When I change for example my field name and click in other place, my changes are not kept and i got only my original field names.

I know that perhaps I have to use the FiledMap object. My problem is that I don't know how to link the manual changes I make in field mappings zone and a code that can take those changes and show them in the field mapping zone.

In reality, I don't know how to program this link?

Any help


Message was edited by: Dan Patterson I shortened your title...there is no need to repeat the title multiple times to try and draw attention to it.  I also added some tags so it won't languish in the questions section.

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14 Replies
MVP Emeritus

could you hightlight the same field in your examples

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New Contributor III


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MVP Emeritus

Did you go through this link on mapping fields?  Which has a link to the field mapping control ...  which has another link referring you back to field mapping  So if it is available and does it the way you want, you will find it there.  If not...then it can't be.  Good luck

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New Contributor III

I tried all this. Unfortunately


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MVP Emeritus

So... no luck then.

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