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Cannot open workspace

02-06-2018 04:39 AM
Emerging Contributor

Getting the error "cannot open workspace" while using arcpy.da.Editor(arcpy.env.workspace) for a versioned data 

Can anyone help on this.



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10 Replies
MVP Emeritus

Hi Kamyaka Kasani ,

It looks like you are opening several thread that are related to the same issue?  It is better to only post one, and if you have more information to help the original post, you can edit you post to add it (you can even change the title...but only if it help clarify...otherwise is can be confusing).

There are tips on posting‌  and any code can be posted using‌   This help every one know if spacing is correct (critical for Python) and be able to refer to the same line number.  (see Xander Bakker‌ code blocks vs your code blocks)

Just for reference, I think the other related posts are:

The requested operation is invalid on a closed state   (#748417)

The requested operation is invalid on a closed state     (#748418)

The requested operation is invalid on a closed state      (#748387)

and this one which is post #748389

Having the relative responses in one post with ovoid duplication and will help others find a solution in the future.  If there are no responses to some of the other posts, you can actually delete them...but only do so if there is no information, or if it is already included in another post.  Thanks