Can anyone tell me what this error means?

06-30-2014 01:38 PM
Occasional Contributor
I recieve the following message well into the script.  Several dtasets have already been saved to this workspace.  This is the only place to script fails.  dist_Raster_0 also exists in the workspace and is not empty. Any ideas?

ExecuteError: ERROR 999999: Error executing function.
The table was not found. [VAT_dist_Raster_0]
ERROR 010060: Could not open and write to c:\windows\system32\poi011.
Failed to execute (ExtractByPoints).
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4 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
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Occasional Contributor
Thanks Andrew for chiming in.  I have looked at this and seems to suggest there is a schema lock or similar on the input raster.  I can't imagine why this would be true.  Interesting enough I can run the same script hardcoded in the IDE without this error?  However when I try running dynamically through a custm tool the error occurs.  Any thoughts?
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Frequent Contributor
Post the rest of the script?
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Occasional Contributor
Post the rest of the script?

Hey Ian.  Large script and would prefer not to post everything.  Here is what I believe to be pertinent tho...

def get_Coordinates():
    #Create SQL statement
    where_clause_envelope =  "\"{}\" = '{}'" "or " "\"{}\" = '{}'".format(Field,originValue,Field,destValue)#produces: "Name" = 'Amarillo 34th St'or "Name" = 'Coulter

    #Create temp layer for origin and destination
    Ends = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(subs, "Ends", where_clause_envelope)

    fields = ["SHAPE@X","SHAPE@Y"]
    cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(Ends, fields)
    record1 = next(cursor)
    record2 = next(cursor)
    x1 = record1[0]
    x2 = record2[0]
    y1 = record1[1]
    y2 = record2[1]

    pointList = [arcpy.Point(x1, y1),

    return pointList

def get_costRaster(count):
    return os.path.join(savepath  + "\\Scratch.gdb"  + "\\cost_Raster_" + str(count))

savepath = r"G:\Xcel\Route Tool\Southwest\AMA_S_2_PD"
End_Raster =  os.path.join(savepath  + "\\Scratch.gdb"  + "\\End_Raster_" + str(count))

# The following inputs are layers or table views: "dist_Raster_0"
outPointExtract = ExtractByPoints(get_costRaster(count),pointList,"INSIDE")
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