I am trying to build a Python Script to run Geometric Network Rebuilds.
I have code as in the following :
LogFilePath = "C:/Rebuild/"
TelcoNet_logfilename = 'TelcoNet_GEO_Rebuild_' + str(month) + '_' + str(day) + '_' + str(year) + '_DBP363.log'
arcpy.RebuildGeometricNetwork_management("C:/Rebuild/PROD_DIRECT_CONNECTION_NE.sde/NE.TELCO/NE.TelcoNet", LogFilePath + TelcoNet_logfilename)
I am getting the error :
raise e
ExecuteError: Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid.
ERROR 000732: Geometric Network: Dataset Database Connections/PROD_DIRECT_CONNECTION_NE.sde/NE.TELCO/NE.TelcoNet does not exist or is not supported
Failed to execute (RebuildGeometricNetwork).
I am not sure what is wrong.
I have tried several things.
Any advice/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.