When I attempt to run the CalculateGeometryAttributes in a Python window in ArcGIS Pro so I can add the last positional argument I get an error message stating:
TypeError: CalculateGeometryAttributes() takes from 0 to 5 positional arguments but 6 were given
According to the documentation at Calculate Geometry Attributes—Data Management toolbox | Documentation the syntax for this tool is:
CalculateGeometryAttributes(in_features, geometry_property, {length_unit}, {area_unit},{coordinate_system}, {coordinate_format})
This shows 6 positional arguments but when I attempt to add a value for {coordinate_format} the tool won't accept it. Did ESRI change the syntax and remove this feature or is this a bug?
What version of Pro are you running? I just tested on Pro 2.5, and I don't have any issues. If I pass 7 arguments, instead of 6, I can generate a similar TypeError:
TypeError: CalculateGeometryAttributes() takes from 0 to 6 positional arguments but 7 were given
What does the following show on your machine:
>>> CalculateGeometryAttributes.__code__.co_argcount
Thank you for your help. I think the issue may be I'm not on Pro 2.5 yet. My organization is still running Pro 2.4.3. I took a closer look and it appears that I'm still using version 2.4 of arcpy which uses CalculateGeometryAttributes_managment() with only 5 arguments. CalculateGeometryAttributes() is not available in arcpy 2.4. I assume that when I upgrade to Pro 2.5 my arcpy module will change to version 2.5 with the new capabilities.
I'm still on a learning how to use Python directly (either in Pro or in a Jupyter Notebook or Spyder). It's a steep curve but I'm starting to figure it all out.
if you were doing it via code, and were using multiple properties, check your list of lists, you may be missing brackets
[["Left", "EXTENT_MIN_X"], ["Bottom", "EXTENT_MIN_Y"]]