avHow to retrive the modification date of an ArcSDE elements?

08-07-2015 06:11 AM
New Contributor III

Hi all,

I work with an arcSDE database (SQL server Enterprise geodatabase) and I want to retrive using python code the modification date of each of its elements (tables, features classes, rasters, ...)


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12 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Said,

When you say modified date, do you mean table structure or last updated/added row?

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New Contributor III

I Mean last feauture class modification or the date of creation

Thanks for your quick answer

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Said,

This is something that can be done by sending SQL queries to your SDE repository tables to get the created UNIX time from the sde_table_registry and convert that to a more standard time. I have attached a script I have used to perform this in the past and write it out to a logfile.

However, this should be enough to get you started on how to access and convert the registration time in your Enterprise Geodatabase.

import arcpy, os, datetime, time
workPath = r"Database Connections\Connection to cwells.sde"
arcpy.CreateDatabaseView_management(workPath, viewName, "select database_name, owner, table_name, registration_date from sde.sde_table_registry")
for row in arcpy.SearchCursor(os.path.join(workPath, viewName)):
    tableName = row.getValue("DATABASE_NAME") + "." + row.getValue("OWNER") + "." + row.getValue("TABLE_NAME")
    cDate = row.getValue("REGISTRATION_DATE")
    dTime = time.strftime('%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(cDate))
New Contributor III


Is there a possibility to have just one date or the date creation or a last modification of a feature class instead of looping in all rows

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Esri Regular Contributor

I'm not sure of your exact question, but are you asking if its possible to return a date for a single feature class only?

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New Contributor III

Some time you want to know the date when a feature classe was added to a dataset or when was its last modification. it is about those kind of information

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Esri Regular Contributor

Here is a sample of a single feature class:

import arcpy, os, datetime, time
gdb = r"Database Connections\Connection to cwells.sde"
conn = arcpy.ArcSDESQLExecute(gdb)

owner = 'sde'
table = 'alex'

sql = """SELECT
FROM sys.tables
where UPPER(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) = '{0}' AND
  UPPER(OBJECT_NAME(object_id)) = '{1}'"""

dates = conn.execute(sql.format(owner.upper(), table.upper()))

print (owner + '.' + table).upper()
print "Create Date: {0}".format(dates[0][0])
print "Modify Date: {0}".format(dates[0][1])


Create Date: 8/3/2015 10:55:11 AM
Modify Date: 8/3/2015 11:00:51 AM
New Contributor III

Sorry but how can I try it with a single feature class


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Esri Regular Contributor

You can change the "owner" and "table" variables to be your feature class, table or raster.

So if the feature class you want to get information for appears as "gis.abc.polygons" the variable would be:

owner = 'abc'

table = 'polygons'

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