I have created a custom ArcGIS tool, and need to automate this tool so that it can be scheduled to run weekly outside of ArcMap.
Right now, I have a version of the tool that runs inside of an ArcMap session, with the input table and target feature class as user defined parameters.
Here is the code that I have so far.
My Try/Except block is commented out for testing purposes.
The goal is that the script will join an SDE view table to a GDB feature class, select based on some criteria, calculate some fields, than remove the join. Works great as a tool, but getting it to work outside of that has proven impossible so far.
Thanks for any help!
import arcpy, sys, string, os, subprocess
gca = vca = "Conservation_Area_Name"
gcn = vcn = "Conservation_Area_Number"
gn = vn = "Network"
gfi = "Field_ID"
gai = "Asset_ID"
gt1n = "Tier_1_System_Name"
gt1t = "Tier_1_System_Type"
gt2n = "Tier_2_Major_Subsystem_Name"
gt2t = "Tier_2_Major_Subsystem_Type"
gt3n = "Tier_3_Minor_Subsystem_Name"
gt3t = "Tier_3_Minor_Subsystem_Type"
gt4n = "Asset_Name"
vfi = "FieldID"
vai = "AssetID"
vt1n = "Tier_1_Name"
vt1t = "Tier_1_Type"
vt2n = "Tier_2_Name"
vt2t = "Tier_2_Type"
vt3n = "Tier_3_Name"
vt3t = "Tier_3_Type"
vt4n = "Tier_4_Name"
gdfcin = r'C:\Projects\MDC\DataUpdate_20180315\MDC_PhysModel_FieldID_20180315.gdb\Exterior_Electrical\Phase_Converter_Exterior'
gdfc = gdfcin.split('\\')[-1]
vwfcin = r'C:\Users\rbasaria\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.4\ArcCatalog\MDCTest_1025.sde\MDCTest_1025.dbo.ViewETL_FacilityType_PhaseConverterExterior'
vwfc = vwfcin.split('\\')[-1]
slct = gdfc+"."+gai+" IS NULL OR ("+gdfc+"."+gai+" <> "+vwfc+"."+vai+")"
arcpy.AddJoin_management(gdfcin, gfi, vwfcin, vfi)
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(gdfcin, "NEW_SELECTION", slct)
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfcin, gdfc+"."+gai, "["+vwfc+"."+vai+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfcin, gdfc+"."+gca, "["+vwfc+"."+vca+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfcin, gdfc+"."+gcn, "["+vwfc+"."+vcn+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfcin, gdfc+"."+gn, "["+vwfc+"."+vn+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfcin, gdfc+"."+gt1n, "["+vwfc+"."+vt1n+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfcin, gdfc+"."+gt1t, "["+vwfc+"."+vt1t+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfcin, gdfc+"."+gt2n, "["+vwfc+"."+vt2n+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfcin, gdfc+"."+gt2t, "["+vwfc+"."+vt2t+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfcin, gdfc+"."+gt3n, "["+vwfc+"."+vt3n+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfcin, gdfc+"."+gt3t, "["+vwfc+"."+vt3t+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfcin, gdfc+"."+gt4n, "["+vwfc+"."+vt4n+"]", "VB", "")
# print arcpy.GetMessages()
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(gdfcin, "CLEAR_SELECTION", "")
Solved! Go to Solution.
I don't think the named user thing is causing the problem at this point, but I am not sure. The path for that is supposed to be pointing to a SQL database, and thats the only way I know how to connect to it...Yes, "Exterior_Electrical" is a feature dataset inside the GDB. I'm not sure what you mean by rework the path references...
I don't think the named user thing is causing the problem at this point, but I am not sure
If your task is running with a different account than yours, then it will likely fail whenever you are referencing a path with your credentials in it like you've got now,
Oh yeah, I get that. These are my testing paths. These paths will change at some point, but for now...this is what I am working with.
Yes, "Exterior_Electrical" is a feature dataset inside the GDB. I'm not sure what you mean by rework the path references...
Don't just set a variable reference to the full path of the feature class like you've done,
gdfcin = r'C:\Projects\MDC\DataUpdate_20180315\MDC_PhysModel_FieldID_20180315.gdb\Exterior_Electrical\Phase_Converter_Exterior'
Use os.path.join() to build up the reference
workspace = r'C:\Projects\MDC\DataUpdate_20180315\MDC_PhysModel_FieldID_20180315.gdb\Exterior_Electrical'
fcName = 'Phase_Converter_Exterior'
gdfcin = os.path.join(workspace, fcName)
Updated script and error...seems MakeFeatureLayer does not like the SQL view table...
import arcpy, sys, string, os, subprocess
gca = vca = "Conservation_Area_Name"
gcn = vcn = "Conservation_Area_Number"
gn = vn = "Network"
gfi = "Field_ID"
gai = "Asset_ID"
gt1n = "Tier_1_System_Name"
gt1t = "Tier_1_System_Type"
gt2n = "Tier_2_Major_Subsystem_Name"
gt2t = "Tier_2_Major_Subsystem_Type"
gt3n = "Tier_3_Minor_Subsystem_Name"
gt3t = "Tier_3_Minor_Subsystem_Type"
gt4n = "Asset_Name"
vfi = "FieldID"
vai = "AssetID"
vt1n = "Tier_1_Name"
vt1t = "Tier_1_Type"
vt2n = "Tier_2_Name"
vt2t = "Tier_2_Type"
vt3n = "Tier_3_Name"
vt3t = "Tier_3_Type"
vt4n = "Tier_4_Name"
gdfc = "Phase_Converter_Exterior"
gdfcin = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(r'C:\Projects\MDC\DataUpdate_20180315\MDC_PhysModel_FieldID_20180315.gdb\Exterior_Electrical\Phase_Converter_Exterior', gdfc)
vwfc = "PhaseConverterExterior"
vwfcin = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(r'C:\Users\rbasaria\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.4\ArcCatalog\MDCTest_1025.sde\MDCTest_1025.dbo.ViewETL_FacilityType_PhaseConverterExterior', vwfc)
slct = gdfc+"."+gai+" IS NULL OR ("+gdfc+"."+gai+" <> "+vwfc+"."+vai+")"
arcpy.AddJoin_management(gdfc, gfi, vwfc, vfi)
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(gdfc, "NEW_SELECTION", slct)
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gai, "["+vwfc+"."+vai+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gca, "["+vwfc+"."+vca+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gcn, "["+vwfc+"."+vcn+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gn, "["+vwfc+"."+vn+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gt1n, "["+vwfc+"."+vt1n+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gt1t, "["+vwfc+"."+vt1t+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gt2n, "["+vwfc+"."+vt2n+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gt2t, "["+vwfc+"."+vt2t+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gt3n, "["+vwfc+"."+vt3n+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gt3t, "["+vwfc+"."+vt3t+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gt4n, "["+vwfc+"."+vt4n+"]", "VB", "")
# print arcpy.GetMessages()
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(gdfc, "CLEAR_SELECTION", "")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Projects\MDC\DataUpdate_20180315\MDC_ViewtoGIS_Automated.py", line 31, in <module>
vwfcin = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(r'C:\Users\rbasaria\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.4\ArcCatalog\MDCTest_1025.sde\MDCTest_1025.dbo.ViewETL_FacilityType_PhaseConverterExterior', vwfc)
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.4\ArcPy\arcpy\management.py", line 6477, in MakeFeatureLayer
raise e
ExecuteError: Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid.
ERROR 000732: Input Features: Dataset C:\Users\rbasaria\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.4\ArcCatalog\MDCTest_1025.sde\MDCTest_1025.dbo.ViewETL_FacilityType_PhaseConverterExterior does not exist or is not supported
Failed to execute (MakeFeatureLayer).
Is it a non-spatial dataset? If so, try Make Table View instead.
(Edit: Add Join works with non-spatial table views as well as feature layers.)
SDE? can you try a simple local location to see whether the script works... just trying to rule out saving types and locations from the equation
Well, it looks like its working now!
Combination of the Make Feature Layer and Make Table View got this thing grabbing the right data, then I had an issue with my slct variable (which I know works)...which turned out to be the vwfc variable not having the "MDCTest_1025.dbo.ViewETL_FacilityType_" info before the table name.
Appreciate all the help, and its always a good day when I can learn something new!
import arcpy, sys, string, os, subprocess
gca = vca = "Conservation_Area_Name"
gcn = vcn = "Conservation_Area_Number"
gn = vn = "Network"
gfi = "Field_ID"
gai = "Asset_ID"
gt1n = "Tier_1_System_Name"
gt1t = "Tier_1_System_Type"
gt2n = "Tier_2_Major_Subsystem_Name"
gt2t = "Tier_2_Major_Subsystem_Type"
gt3n = "Tier_3_Minor_Subsystem_Name"
gt3t = "Tier_3_Minor_Subsystem_Type"
gt4n = "Asset_Name"
vfi = "FieldID"
vai = "AssetID"
vt1n = "Tier_1_Name"
vt1t = "Tier_1_Type"
vt2n = "Tier_2_Name"
vt2t = "Tier_2_Type"
vt3n = "Tier_3_Name"
vt3t = "Tier_3_Type"
vt4n = "Tier_4_Name"
gdfc = "Phase_Converter_Exterior"
gdfcin = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(r'C:\Projects\MDC\DataUpdate_20180315\MDC_PhysModel_FieldID_20180315.gdb\Exterior_Electrical\Phase_Converter_Exterior', gdfc)
vwfc = "MDCTest_1025.dbo.ViewETL_FacilityType_PhaseConverterExterior"
vwfcin = arcpy.MakeTableView_management(r'C:\Users\rbasaria\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.4\ArcCatalog\MDCTest_1025.sde\MDCTest_1025.dbo.ViewETL_FacilityType_PhaseConverterExterior', vwfc)
slct = gdfc+"."+gai+" IS NULL OR ("+gdfc+"."+gai+" <> "+vwfc+"."+vai+")"
arcpy.AddJoin_management(gdfc, gfi, vwfc, vfi)
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(gdfc, "NEW_SELECTION", slct)
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gai, "["+vwfc+"."+vai+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gca, "["+vwfc+"."+vca+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gcn, "["+vwfc+"."+vcn+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gn, "["+vwfc+"."+vn+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gt1n, "["+vwfc+"."+vt1n+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gt1t, "["+vwfc+"."+vt1t+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gt2n, "["+vwfc+"."+vt2n+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gt2t, "["+vwfc+"."+vt2t+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gt3n, "["+vwfc+"."+vt3n+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gt3t, "["+vwfc+"."+vt3t+"]", "VB", "")
arcpy.CalculateField_management(gdfc, gdfc+"."+gt4n, "["+vwfc+"."+vt4n+"]", "VB", "")
# print arcpy.GetMessages()
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(gdfc, "CLEAR_SELECTION", "")