I've been looking for python code that would be able to assign a PNG image as the logo/symbol for an ArcGIS Pro feature class; but I have been unable to find any examples of this being done. Is this possible using python/arcpy? If so, could someone please share the documentation/code with me?
if it is symbolized already Save To Layer File—Data Management toolbox | ArcGIS Desktop
or are you looking for arcpy functions related to Symbology—ArcPy | ArcGIS Desktop
I was looking for an arcpy function related to Symbology, but if that doesn't exist then I may just need to symbolize my feature classes by hand and then save them as a layer file. That way I could use my apply symbology from layer script for future projects where I need to use the picture marker symbols.
You have to poke around... some things have properties and methods that allow for a degree of customization or application
old thread but I have added an example of this on a newer thread here, using CIM access in Pro 3.2 .. Changing the Symbology to Picture Marker with a lo... - Esri Community