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arcpy.SelectLayerByAttributes Where Clause

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11-15-2017 02:51 PM
MVP Emeritus

In post earlier today, (Another da.SearchCursor Issue ) through an oversight on my part I couldn't execute a select layer by attributes function. Silly me....  At rate, I've moved past that issue but now faced with constructing a where clause that involves membership in a dictionary.

Essentially, I've constructed a dictionary of street types that looks something like this:

typeDict = {"AVE":1,"BLVD":2,"CIR":3}  #etc, etc‍‍‍

 As best as I can tell, the way to  see if a given string is a member of a dictionary, one can :

>>> typeDict
{'BLVD': 2, 'AVE': 1, 'CIR': 3}
>>> "AVE" in typeDict
>>> "ST" in typeDict
>>> "ST" not in typeDict
>>> if "somevalue" not in typeDict:
...     print "nope"


Okay, easy enough. The problem is constructing a valid "where clause' for the SelectLayerByAttribute() when considering membership in a dictionary.  I've tried dozens of {}.format() approaches but the red font on my screen looks something like the U.S. spend deficit.  I need some advice to successfully select a record or records based on the dictionary:

intable = "C:\Path\To\File.gdb\Table
typeDict = {"AVE":1,"BLVD":2,"CIR":3}  #etc, etc‍‍‍

fields = ["Type","StreetName"]
where = "StreetName >= 'A'    #just concerned with named streets, no numbers

with arcpy.da.SearchCursor("view",fields,where) as cursor:
    for row in cursor:
       Select = #need to format a where clause that
                # evalutes row[0] not in typeDict




(I should just create a signature block with you guys in it; maybe I can convince my boss to put you on retainer....)

That should just about do it....
14 Replies
MVP Emeritus

Joe... for the back burner... but using Feature or Table to NumpyArray... even for one column, conversions can be quasi-vectorized easily, once you have a couple of steps.  Shown verbosely, but in essence, if you already have a dictionary of key/value pairs, they can be converted to an array, then the whole field can be queried by case rather than by row...  a small demo to give you ideas for the future.

# ---- Start with the beginning fluff of taking the data, making a temporary
#      storage array for output
#      Convert your dictionary... then run the 'for' loop which queries by case
#      rather than by row (this of course can be done all at once, but loops are 
#      good for now
a = ['AVE', 'Not', 'BLVD', 'Nope', 'CIR', 'AVE', 'AVE', 'BLVD', 'CIR', 'nada']
a = np.array(a)
result = np.full(a.shape, -9, dtype='int32')
typeDict = {"AVE": 1, "BLVD": 2, "CIR": 3}  # ad nauseum
dt = [('Lookfor', '<U5'), ('ReplaceWith', '<i4')]
arr = np.array(list(typeDict.items()), dtype=dt)
ins = arr['Lookfor']
outs = arr['ReplaceWith']
frmt = """
Input data array
Temporary holding array
Dictionary to array conversion
lookfor ..... {}
replace with. {}
print(frmt.format(a, result, arr, ins, outs))

for i in range(len(arr)):
    #result[np.where(a == arr['Lookfor'])[0]] = arr['ReplaceWith']
    result[np.where(a == ins[i])[0]] = outs[i]

frmt = """
magic done
In again, then out
print(frmt.format(a, result))

Then the results of the demo are

input data
['AVE' 'Not' 'BLVD' 'Nope' 'CIR' 'AVE' 'AVE' 'BLVD' 'CIR' 'nada']
output result
[-9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9]
dictionary to array
[('AVE', 1) ('BLVD', 2) ('CIR', 3)]
lookfor ..... ['AVE' 'BLVD' 'CIR']
replace with. [1 2 3]

magic done
In again, then out
['AVE' 'Not' 'BLVD' 'Nope' 'CIR' 'AVE' 'AVE' 'BLVD' 'CIR' 'nada']
[ 1 -9  2 -9  3  1  1  2  3 -9]

# ---- you use arcpy.da.ExtendTable to attach the output result to the original
#      table...  Works best when your cases are obviously less than your records
MVP Emeritus

I might have it now (I think)

Basically you want to check a street address to see if a street type occurs and if it does, you want to produce a new column which reclasses the street type.

Lets consider the following

    from_s = ['Road', 'Street','Lane', 'Court']
    to_s = [10, 20, 30, 40]

So in the above, if the address name contains any of the values in the 'from_s' you want to reclass that address to a new type for whatever purpose.

It isn't fully vectorized, but here is what I did in verbose form

# ---- Read in your street index and query fields shortcutting the searchcursor stuff
in_fc = r'C:\Your_spaceless\path_to_your\address.gdb\streets'
flds = ['OID@', 'Address_']
args = [in_fc, flds, None, None, False, (None, None)]
cur = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(*args)
a = cur._as_narray()
# ----
# ---- Establish your 'from' and 'to' classes
#      Make a temporary array for filling and ultimately joining
# ----
from_s = ['Road', 'Street','Lane', 'Court']
to_s = [10, 20, 30, 40]
dt = [('IDs', '<i4'), ('Str_class', '<i4')]
out = np.zeros((len(a),), dtype=dt)
out['IDs'] = np.arange(1, 1001, dtype='int32')
# ---- Let's rock and roll
cnt = 0
for f in from_s:
    idx = np.array([i for i, item in enumerate(a['Address_'])
                    if f in item])
    out['Str_class'][idx] = to_s[cnt]
    cnt += 1
arcpy.da.ExtendTable(in_fc, 'OBJECTID', out, 'IDs')‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

The reveal... Is this what you want to do?

I should point out that would be prudent to use a null value for an integer field this could be 'None' for text fields or another value for integer fields, for example on line 15.5 you could add

MVP Emeritus

Thanks Dan, but way more than I need. Boiled down to extreme basics:  I want to examine a table of records and determine if each record has a valid value in a given field.  Validity is confirmed by virtue of comparing the field value against a list.  If the record's field value is confirmed as valid, move on to the next record.  If the record's field value is confirmed as not valid, write that record to another table:  then move on to the next record in the original table for examination....

That should just about do it....
0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus

darn... so I guess you don't want to see my next incarnation... I will leave that to a blog

MVP Emeritus

I'll read it there!


That should just about do it....
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