I would like to get the maximum of a field in a feature class. If no features are selected, I get the right value. But if some features are selected, I am getting the maximum of a field from within these selected features. However, I would like to get maximum of a field from the whole table i.e., from both selected and un-selected features.
how may I do it?
Thank you
in_fc = 'C:/Your_spaceless_path/CoordGeom.gdb/Polygons'
arr = arcpy.da.TableToNumPyArray(in_fc, 'Shape_Area') # pick a field
# nan functions account for nulls, cast to the dtype of the field using astype
Thank you, may be I was not clear. Your code gives same answer as mine. Let me try again.
Imagine you have 3 features [0,1,2] in a fc. They have a income field which is an integer [10,12,14] respectively .
case1: I have selected no feature selected, I ask for max of fc , I get 14 >> correct
case2: I have selected features [0,1], i ask for max of fc , I get 12 >> incorrect, I still want 14, because I am asking max of fc, not max of selection of fc.
case3: I have selected features [1,2], i ask for max of fc, I get 14, >> correct
I hope it clarifies a bit?
I mean, I am asking max of income field in fc.
Just need to ask: have you actually looked at the values of your selected versus non-selected and done the summation manually? Sounds like one of your fields is 0 or None value. What is your objective of comparing your selected sum versus the non-selected? If you know the sum of the income field without any selections, why not write that value to a variable if you need to make comparisons to it?
User selects few features, sets their income to max(income in whole of fc) +1 , so now the max of income of whole fc has changed. User goes to another area in the extent, selects a few polygons, sets their income to max(income in whole of fc) + 1, so the max of income in the whole fc has changed again. This continues till all polygons are finished.
Just use a Describe object to retrieve the underlying feature class of the feature layer.
featlyr_name = "rangerdistrict" # name of existing feature layer
fld_max = "GIS_ACRES" # field for determining maximum value
max(fld for fld, in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(featlyr_name,fld_max))
fc = arcpy.Describe(featlyr_name).featureclass.catalogPath
max(fld for fld, in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc,fld_max))
My answer gives you the maximum whether you have a selection or not.
If you need that maximum, that is the way to get it without worrying about selections or not.
If you need maximum-ish (ie there is a selection) then work with arcpy
If you want the best of both worlds, they you can work with both approaches
would your solution of accessing a disk file be affected by:
1. lock imposed by arcmap
2. hard-coded path on the file system?
If you see the requirements for the function, it just requires the path to the featureclass's table. Locks aren't for reading, only modifying a featureclass.
You could try it and report back