I'm opening a new project in ArcGIS pro , and when is loaded , i've found that there is a falied to star the Kernel.
I'm triying to find a solution, but at this monoment i can't resolve it.
Here is the specific error:
AttributeError: 'IOLoopKernelManager' object has no attribute 'kernel_cmd'
I´m triying to look for the failied in the code but i can´t find the issue.
Somebody could help me with the same or similar fail?.
Thanks !!.
version of Pro? and the arcgis module and its version?
Arcgis Pro 2.9, ArcgisPro NoteBoook,
Windows add/remove programs, select Remove, then Repair.
If that doesn't work, and you are getting an error with a ... new .... empty... Locally saved project ... and you open a notebook and get the error, then contact tech support since there is probably something in your environment .
If it is a specific project, try another.
If you don't need to see a mapped results, just use JupyterLab or Jupyter notebook outside of Pro.
Ok thanks , i'll try
i can't reproduce the error. Maybe a re-install will fix it.
my test was on ArcGIS Pro 2.9 and ArcGIS module 1.9.1.
I'm having this issue too; is there really no solution??
I'm getting:
AttributeError: 'IOLoopKernelManager' object has no attribute 'kernel_cmd'
*update* I have discovered this is only an issue on my cloned env, but not my default one. I would like to fix this for my clone env, since I like to use the one where I've modified to use spyder. Any suggestions for fixing the cloned env?