Script Name: proschedule.py
Description: schedules automation entry point
Created By: Hildermes Jose Medeiros Filho
Date: 2022-08-01
import os
import argparse
from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path
import runpy
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
def main():
Main function it ask for scripts arguments
args = parseArguments()
def run_schedules(number: int = -1):
Run one schedule in the SCHEDULES_LIST
:param number: schedule index
if len(SCHEDULES_LIST) >= 1:
if number not in range(0, len(SCHEDULES_LIST), 1):
schedules_index_list = [x for x in range(0, len(SCHEDULES_LIST), 1)]
print('--n Invalid schedule number or no schedule number informed')
if schedules_index_list[0] == schedules_index_list[-1]:
print(f'--n Only one schedule, number: {schedules_index_list[0]}')
print(f'--n Schedule number must be a integer between {schedules_index_list[0]} and {schedules_index_list[-1]}')
schedule_path = SCHEDULES_LIST[number]
schedule_name = Path(schedule_path).name
script = fr'{schedule_path}\task.py'
print(f'Running {schedule_name}')
res = runpy.run_path(script)
xml_str = res.get('xml', None)
if xml_str:
dom = parseString(xml_str)
print('\n'.join([el.firstChild.wholeText for el in dom.getElementsByTagName('msg')]))
print(f'{schedule_name} runpy error')
print('No schedule found')
def parseArguments():
Parse arguments from command line
:return: parser.parse_args()
schedules_folder = os.path.expandvars(r'%localappdata%\Esri\ArcGISPro\Geoprocessing\ScheduledTools')
SCHEDULES_LIST = glob(schedules_folder+os.sep+'*'+os.sep, recursive=True)
SCHEDULES_LIST = [Path(path) for path in SCHEDULES_LIST if Path(path).name != 'Logs']
schedules_name_list = [Path(path).name for path in SCHEDULES_LIST if Path(path).name != 'Logs']
schedules_index_list = [x for x in range(0, len(schedules_name_list), 1)]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Script to run schedules',
usage='python proschedule.py -n <number>',
if schedules_index_list:
schedules_n_label = '\n'.join([f'{x} - {schedules_name_list[x]} ' for x in schedules_index_list])
schedules_n_label = 'No schedule found'
n_help = f"""Schedules numbers:\n{schedules_n_label}\n\n"""
v_help = """script version"""
parser.add_argument('-n', '--number', type=int, default=-1, help=n_help)
parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version='%(prog)s - Version 1.0', help=v_help)
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
if __name__ == '__main__':
I do a entry points for arcgis-pro-schedules like above.
In my case i call it python command prompt on windows but I suppose its doable in other architectures with minimal changes.
Dear, all.
I would like to warn, entry point is a script programmed to be called in a specif python env.
Like so, as Esri you could implemment one in arcpy package or arcgis package.
is similar to the proswap command
In short, my sugesstion is to make a entry_point command to pro environment, so we can run our arcgispro schedules.
If I can do it in my private packages, why can't you?
Those poit above are the one that motivated me to post the suggestion at python ideas.
I sincerely belive it should be there, thank you.
This is a basic example. I did a "curses-windows" to manager schedules.
I just need to open the python-command-prompt and type protop...
We could have some more meaningful entry points, right? I mean, some one did proswap, why not protop? proskd....as developer I think is not pratical to open arcgis to stop schedules, run scheds, etc.