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Jupyter Notebook Support ...

08-22-2017 08:03 PM

Jupyter Notebook Support ...

Another UC goes by PRO 2.2 delivers without a Python IDE although there are several available in the anaconda distribution. We have a lame python interface built into Pro.  How about sub-ing in Jupyter console or Jupyter Notebooks?


Any change of this happening? 

And I don't mean attaching a notebook to a thread since it 'zips' the file, effectively making it useless. 

The code syntax highlighting is feeble at best.  Linking to GitHub a last resort solution...

I am thinking more along the lines of the 'Preview' option for some file types. 

Or is this some years away and out of the Jive realm

It is UC week... surely the accumulated knowledge could come up with some solution before school term begins.

Christopher Catania‌ or anyone else that wants to chime in.

Timothy Hales

Just so I'm sure we're on the same page, do you mean support for notebooks on Geonet? Interesting idea!


We post code samples in response to user questions multiple times a day.  We managed to get syntax highlighting

# ---- inputs to sample ----

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = r'C:\GIS\points\points.gdb'
fc_s = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
print("FeatureClasses found...\n{}".format(fc_s))

# ---- Results go here -----

FeatureClasses found...
['pnts2', 'pnts', 'fishnet_label', 'fishnet', 'SpacedPnts', 'spaced2m_100', 
'spaced5m_50_near', 'sp50_100_connect', 'sp100_50_connect', 'ExtentRectangle', 
'Centroid', 'closest4']

Now this is static.... If someone wants to try a code snippet, they have to copy and paste... if they can manage ... the above, then do the changes, then run the code. 

FYI... this is what the code looks like at the source level inside the translation syntax highlighting.

" <pre class="language-python line-numbers"><code><span class="token comment"># ---- inputs to sample

.... SNIP 23 lines of drivel

OK... we can deal with that.

Now, if we could even be able to use a notebook... for those have Pro installed for example... then perhaps a click the notebook would popup without a zip extension... drag and drop  onto the desktop shortcut for example.

then magically...

I know... probably too much... and we will forever be instructing people to format their code... change the path that we used as an example to their real data... etc etc.

But... dreams make things happen.


I like your idea Dan.  If implementing your idea only depended on Esri, I might say there is a chance, maybe.  Unfortunately, Esri has to depend on Jive for GeoNet, and Jive's track record doesn't inspire confidence.  I have heard Esri has been stepping up their engagement/pressure with Jive, so maybe the past won't be the best indicator of future results.

I agree that this is a great idea, but I do not see this happening in the next few years unless Esri take the initiative and develops this in house. Jive has been quick to dismiss ideas related to developers because it is not an area where they see a lot of value. They are more focused on the core functionality of the platform. They are going through some internal changes, so I may be wrong. I would at least put up an idea within the Jive community to see if there is any interest from other Jive users.

Thanks Timothy... even if the 'zip' of the files could be squashed leaving the native file extension alone would be a partial move forward... currently the process is as... drop...use ... The ultimate solution would undoubtedly be some time away.

Dan, I guess we just aren't mainstream enough for Jive.

I think its a really good idea and similar to how I'd personally like to see some of our training done in the future. I'll at least mention it to a few people and see if there's interest. I'm not too up to speed on our relationship with Jive so can't speak to that side of things.

Give it a try...

This document was generated from the following discussion: Jupyter Notebook Support ...

Esri Community Team

Thanks for creating the document, Dan. I have this bookmarked for future enhancements request with Jive. 

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‎12-12-2021 03:45 AM
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