I'd like to build a view layer that returns the newest observation for each trackid in a hosted spatiotemporal feature layer.
I can achieve the desired result using a GET query on my https://webadaptor/adaptor/rest/services/Hosted/<FeatureServiceName>/FeatureServer/0/queryTopFeature... endpoint adding a topFilter={ "orderByFields":"retrievaltime DESC", "groupByFields":"equipment_name", "topCount":1} parameter.
I see in ArcGIS Online you can define a feature layer view with a top filter. It does not appear that I have this option in ArcGIS Enterprise, or at least not for a Spatiotemporal DS Feature Layer.
Anyone have any ideas for generating the above view? I'm looking to save the overhead of a second feature layer fed by Geoevent "Update Feature".
Doesn't tracker show the last known location as a layer to achieve this already? or do you have a different use case?
Unfortunately the source data is not users' mobile devices - it's high frequency Geoevent data, around 20 million events per day inbound to the datastore. As far as I can tell from location tracking docs there's no way to patch in geoevent data.