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Sharing Images in Portal

11-05-2024 01:12 PM
Regular Contributor

Hello! I need some guidance on working with images in portal. I have over 500 image files that I have to georeference (which is the easy part) and then display on a map. The issue is that these images have associated information that MUST be included to allow for filtering/querying in some sort of web application. I have not worked much with raster formats so I am unsure where to start with this. Some questions that I have are:

Can I somehow add attributes to any of the raster formats that are accessible?

Is tiff the best format to have the images in currently?

Data stores? Image Server? I dont even know where to start with that one!

I have experience with web applications but NO experience with raster formats so my main issue is with that. I am pretty comfortable with working with python so that is also an option if there is some type of workaround. Any suggestions are welcome and greatly appreciated! 

(posted this in another forum but it might be better to post in here)

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by MVP Regular Contributor
MVP Regular Contributor

You can publish the single image to ArcGIS server from catalog, if you don't have an image server license. if you need to publish 500 images as a mosaic dataset, you'll need image server license. and you can choose to publish the image service as hosted or non-hosted.

The following online document is worth reading:

Key concepts for image services—ArcGIS Server | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise

the following pdf is bit old, but it's still useful for some high level information. even better if you can find the video for the presentation.

ArcGIS Enterprise: Sharing Imagery

Hope this helps.

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