I have created an Oriented Imagery Catalog and added 360 images from a Ricoh Theta pro 1. I have created footprints and everything is displaying correctly in the OI viewer in Pro 3.4. I want to publish this layer to AGOL and have the images hosted as attachments using the new functionality in the latest update. I am including the generated camera footprints and selecting save as attachments. The service fails to publish each time I run it with a generic error code.
All images are Jpgs and are well under the 2GB limit.
Any ideas what is causing this?
Hi @SimonNigh
If I'm not wrong, the maximum size of attachments on hosted entities in AGOL is 10 MB:
What is the size of your images?
Manage hosted feature layers—ArcGIS Online Help | Documentation
Thanks for the reply. All images are under 10mb each.
What is the error that you get?
Total size for all attachments is 108mb which is within the 2GB total limit for the FC.