Question: How do I link to Open Street Map (OSM)? Do I have to export the png file from Open Street? Do i have to reference it from OSM?
var startPoint = [34.227700, -84.250717];
var map = L.map('map', {attributionControl: false, editInOSMControl: true, editInOSMControlOptions: {position: 'topleft'}}).setView(startPoint, 17),
tilelayer = L.tileLayer("http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", {maxZoom: 20, legend: LEGEND, openLegendOnLoad: true, attribution:osmDataAttr}).addTo(map),
hash = new L.Hash(map);
legend = (new L.Control.TileLegend()).addTo(map);
// legend = new L.TileLegend(map, tilelayer, L.DomUtil.get('leaflet-control-tilelegend-container'), LEGEND);
// legend.open();
i don't understand your question. can you clarify please?
you can find a working example of a loading a hosted OSM basemap using L.tileLayer here:
Thanks for your reply! I had the correct syntax. The problem occurred in my browser. I refreshed, and it is working now. Thanks again for the help!