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ArcMap 10.4.1: How to Perform Hot Spot Analysis Across Area Comprised of Polygons?

02-28-2017 08:52 PM
Deactivated User

I am trying to perform a hot spot analysis regarding moose vehicle collisions (MVCs) localized across Alberta, Canada. The province is made up roughly 100 geopolitical zones called Wildlife Management Units (WMUs). I want to design the hot spot analysis so that it colour codes each WMU relative to the others in terms of z-scores. This was done in a previous analysis that I'll include in the word document below.

My job now is to update this previous work with more contemporary data, however, I don't have access to how this original hot spot map was generated. From what I am able to gather, I have to first use the "construct polygons" tool to build these WMUs around the map and then somehow instruct the "Hot Spot Analysis (Getis-Ord Gi*)" tool to recognize these polygons and interpret my data points into coloured spaces based on z-scores.

My questions are:

1. Will the hot spot analysis tool recognize polygons designed this way as discrete areas from which to interpret z-scores or do I have to find another way of demarcating the map?

2. My data points are in longitude and latitude and so the hot spot analysis tool asks me whether I wish to use longitude or latitude in the input field category of the box that pops up. Obviously this is incorrect, so what format do I need to have my data in before I can plug it through the hot spot analysis tool?

3. What setting adjustments will I need to make within the pop-up box associated with the hot spot tool in order for my data to appear in the format of the older analysis attached?

Thank you in advance!


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4 Replies
MVP Emeritus

From the help... you obviously need an attribute field in your table as a minimum which is what the hot spot analysis uses... what other fields are in your table?

Deactivated User

The fields at play can be found below:

I added an "Attribute_Field" to see if selecting upon that field within the input field of the hot spot tool would yield a successful run of the program but it couldn't successfully produce an output.

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MVP Emeritus

this looks like a joined event layer and not a featureclass or shapefile. Don't you have data that you are testing? or are you just experimenting?  I would go through the help topic link and get a set of data that would make the analysis show its capabilities.  A list of ID numbers isn't going to be useful for hotspot analysis since each polygon would be unique

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Deactivated User

Yes, I do have my own data; the data was inputted from an Excel spreadsheet as a text file. Once I did so, I exported the consequent table once and then exported this exported file of the original table once more. This allowed me to actually edit the layers as it seemed to recognize data, after two exports, as a shapefile (though perhaps I am confused and it still isn't a shapefile).

It appears as such below within the ArcMap Catalog as "Export_Output_5":

I am actually going to be forwarded a layer of the polygons that I need to conduct the analysis. Is the point to somehow distinguish each polygon within an Excel table, provide the abundance of collisions within each polygon, and then submit this through the program? I'll have to see if there is a method to actually count data points within polygons once I have the WMU layer in place.

A sample of what my raw data looks like is present below:

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