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Xamarin.Forms Callout button not visible

06-19-2018 11:43 PM
New Contributor

Dear all,

I am trying to show callout with button in Xamarin.Forms app (following the recommended pattern to not overload the popups/callouts)

On UWP it is working allright, having proper layout and behaving as expected. (UWP screenshot below)

UWP callout

On Android however the System.Environment.NewLine(s) are ignored completely.

Exact the same callout is rendered lenghtly (just two lines height) and the button is not visible. 

Android callout

I have tried different approaches to no avail.

The only way to have the button visible, is to reduce the text to 3 (three) letters!

(Removing the icon seams to have no influence)

Android callout only three letters - button is visible

Is there any way to influence the layout of the callout? Thus be able to put some more text (as on the UWP) and left the button visible on the callout

Many thanks in advance

Very best regards


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2 Replies
Emerging Contributor

hi, emtcho,

Did you figure out a way to show multiple line text in Android? I have similiar problem in iOS as well.



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New Contributor

Hi Leon,

sorry to say, but no, I was not able to solve the problem. What I did is to show just one Button with Icon on the Callout. The Button shows dedicated information Xamarin.Forms form that is designed and rendered as needed / expected.

Best regards


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