I'm writing a Xamarin navigation application and looking at your sample code you have an xmlns of xmlns:resources="clr-namespace:Forms.Resources;assembly=ArcGISRuntime" and you have a component of ResponsiveFormContainer. What Ersi nuget package contains this? I can't find any documentation on it. I have created a navigation page very simular to your sample Xamarin.Forms NavigateRoute. I'm using the RouteTrackerDisplayLocationDataSource and the SimulatedLocationDataSource. I create the route and display it on my map fine. But when i start the navigation. I get the InputLocationChanged event on the RouteTrackerDisplayLocationDataSource . But the map never moves.
I just got this message
Message=Attempt to use an unlicensed extension: ArcGIS Runtime is not licensed to use Navigation.
I have my license set in the Xamarin app class right before
The responsive form container is used to position content appropriately based on device type. It is a part of the sample viewer, and not a component of the Runtime API. Implementation is at arcgis-runtime-samples-dotnet/ResponsiveFormContainer.xaml at master · Esri/arcgis-runtime-samples-d...
Regarding navigation problems, there may be a licensing issue here. Does it work if you don't set the license and leave Runtime in the development mode?
Also want to add that navigation requires the Basic (or greater) license level.