I only see "Cannot create an instance of MapView" in the designer, but the application does run, and the MapView control works as expected. I've tried uninstalling the extension and re-installing but no luck. I get the same result on Windows 10 and Windows 7 machines. Has no one else seen this?
We are unable to reproduce this. Usually that error is displayed until nuget packages are restored. Once the packages are restored and application is clean+rebuild, that error warning goes away.
I noticed the client32 and client64 folders no longer come with the VCRuntime14 binaries. I did run the Windows 10 Universal Runtime update, but had not noticed it failed.
Including the VCRuntime binaries fixes the problem.
What should the subfolders of the ArcGISRuntime100.0 be named? Mine show up as:
But I still get an issue with not being able to find the native DLL. Do they need to be x64, x86? I installed the 4.5.2 targeting pack.
You might be missing another requirement as listed in systems requirement
"Applications built with ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET require installation of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3."
Preeti ,
I did install the VC 2015 redist, but only 64-bit. Installing the 32 bit as well cleared it all up.
Glad it worked. It would make sense that installing x32 resolved the issue because by default a WPF Application has prefer 32 bit checked on and app needed 32 bit redistributable which was missing earlier.
Since VS is still a 32-bit process too, therefore it would be trying to load the 32-bit runtime.