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Unable to use browser login when WPF app packaged

16 hours ago
Occasional Contributor II

I created a WPF app using the ArcGIS Maps SDK .NET WPF App (Esri) template.

I copied in the ArcGISLoginPrompt class from the WPF samples.

I created a new app in AGOL and updated the appId in the WPF app.

The app runs, I am presented with the AGOL login window, can log in, and the app presents the protected resource (basemap, as configured from the Visual Studio template).


I then added a Windows Application Packaging Project project and added the WPF app as a reference.

Running the app via the packaging project I get
Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Http.ArcGISWebException: 'Unable to generate token.'

from within 

credential = await AuthenticationManager.Current.GenerateCredentialAsync(info.ServiceUri);


If I switch Startup project back to the WPF app, it works fine again.


Using Fiddler I can see that when running via the packaging project, the app is calling /sharing/generateToken without any credentials so that error makes sense. The question is why is it calling that and not presenting the browser window.


Repro repo

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1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor

I see the same behavior for both. I wonder if it's because you got persistence enabled ?

Try removing this line:

It has no effect on an unpackaged app, but it makes sure you don't need to sign in over and over again if you're using a packaged app. So if you already signed in earlier, it won't be asking you again until you actively sign out by calling

await AuthenticationManager.Current.RemoveAndRevokeAllCredentialsAsync();

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