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Unable to load Visual Studio Project on new computer; error ArcGISRuntime.Targets

01-28-2015 05:07 PM
Emerging Contributor


We are developing an application using the ArcGIS Runtime for .NET and the source code is stored within TFS.  When the Visual Studio solution is opened on a new developer computer, one of the projects within the solution cannot be loaded.  This project has had the "ArcGIS Runtime Deployment Manifest" added to it.

Outlined below is the error message:

Some of the properties associated with the solution could not be read.C:\TheFolderPath\TheProjectName.csproj : error  : The imported project "C:\TheFolderPath\TheProjectName\ideintegration\ArcGISRuntime.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.  C:\TheFolderPath\TheProjectName.csproj

This issue has not happened on the other developer computers before.  The ArcGIS Runtime for .NET has been installed on the computer.  The only difference is that the troubled computer is 32 bit and all of the others are 64 bit.

Any idea on the source of the problem?



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2 Replies
Deactivated User


Can you verify that SDK is installed and the targets file is found from that path?

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Deactivated User

Hi Scott,

You should see the following in the project if you open it in a text editor:

Condition="Exists('$(Registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESRI\ArcGISRuntimeSDKNET10.2.4@InstallDir)ideintegration\ArcGISRuntime.targets')" />

  <Target Name="ESRI_ArcGISRuntime_Deployment_ErrorIfTargetsMissing" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild;PrepareForClean">
  <ErrorText>This project references the ArcGIS .NET Deployment build tasks targets file, but the file was missing. This may be because the SDK is not installed.</ErrorText>
  <Error Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)'))" Condition="!Exists('$(Registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESRI\ArcGISRuntimeSDKNET10.2.4@InstallDir)ideintegration\ArcGISRuntime.targets')" />

There should be two elements related to adding support for building the arcgis deployment to the project output folder.

One is the Import element which uses the MSBUILD syntax for reading values from the registry. It has a condition to prevent the project load from failing, but this isnt working in your instance.

The other is an Error element that should show an error when you attempt to compile the project.

Do you have the registry value in your registry? It should be there by virtue of the 10.2.4 SDK being installed.


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