How do I implement index searching for address similar to Google map search?
you can create Locator in ArcMap with the style you want and Share it has Runtime Content and then use it like this sample :
Geocoding | ArcGIS for Developers
Thank you very much for the response. I am sorry for not making my question clear. Here is what I would like to implement Autocomplete/Autosuggest feature when user perform the location search. I was able to use QueryAsync to get the list of addresses or streetname from the feature in geodatabase then bind to ComboBox that has Autocomplete feature. I found this way had an issue because of the hit with memory increasing in the way up to 400MB. Is there a better way to implement it?
Unfortunately we don't have any specific auto-complete functionality at the moment - but here's an example of how you could implement it in a WPF app:
It's built against the previous WPF SDK but should give you an idea of how you could implement similar functionality in the .NET SDK.