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Runtime 100.8.0 Degraded Performance

07-14-2020 09:49 PM
Regular Contributor

I have a WPF app in which I have a 2D and a 3D view which I can switch between. My build is 64-bit. I have a bunch of TPKs loaded at startup when my app runs (3 elevation TPKs, ~650MB, 14 map TPKs, ~8GB).

I have this all working with 100.6.0 (toolkit v100.4.0) and it's great. I'm excited about ImageFrame so I updated to 100.8.0 (WPF and toolkit) but I immediately noticed that the performance is noticeably worse. When you go to move or rotate the camera in 3D there's a noticeable delay before it responds and it's just more sluggish all around.

I reverted my code back to 100.6.0 and it definitely has better performance again. I ran them at the same time and I could easily see the difference going back and forth. See attachments, I recorded them, they were both running and I switched between them, hopefully you can see it. I stop the mouse and click and drag; with 100.6.0 the map follows almost 1:1 where the mouse goes, whereas in 100.8.0 there's a .15-.35ish second lag before the map starts tracking the mouse. When I create some graphics the difference gets larger, but it's there before I even draw anything, apparently the maps being loaded is causing the problem by itself.

I'm wondering if having a bunch of TPKs loaded ahead of time is slowing it down, even though the TPKs are mostly not in the viewing area and 100.6.0 didn't have an issue. Any thoughts or ideas? Is there anything I should try doing differently with 100.8.0 to see if it helps?

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23 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Do you see the same problem with no extra data loaded? If not, at what point do you start seeing this degradation?

I'm wondering if having a bunch of TPKs loaded ahead of time is slowing it down, even though the TPKs are mostly not in the viewing are

More layers definitely will have an effect on performance, but I would have expected that hit to be the same as with 100.6 and not getting worse.

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Regular Contributor

Yes, the hit is still there with no data loaded, just the maps. It's not as pronounced but there's still noticeable delay that wasn't there before. Like I said I ran them at the same time, so it's clear that they performed differently.

Most of the maps were offscreen. I have a couple of big maps, one that covers the whole Earth and one that covers CONUS, and then a bunch of smaller ones.

I just tested removing everything except the big world map, a boundaries map, and a world reference map. I got rid of all the elevation TPKs and just had those three, with the world imagery being ~2GB. It's still noticeably laggy when dragging compared with 100.6.0. It's been totally consistent, 100.8.0 has been laggier in all circumstances thus far. What you saw in the video is pretty much the same with hardly any maps loaded.

I tested with no data, no maps and just the boundaries overlay (covers the whole Earth, ~160MB), and it's still noticeably laggier and the framerate is worse while dragging, although the gap is smaller than it was with more maps and more data. This is for the 3D only, not 2D, although I also have a 2D view that's hidden when I switch to 3D, and I load the same maps and graphics into it.

I don't know if you can see the difference in the video, but you can definitely feel it while interacting with the application. It's not as smooth and you feel a delay before the map starts to follow the mouse dragging.

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I didn't mention it but I do not see this behavior in the 2D view. That performs the same in both versions. Dragging or rotating is acting different in 3D but it's the same performance in 2D, I've seen no change there.

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Esri Notable Contributor

Thanks for that extra info. Just to help narrow things down, do you see the issue in 100.7 as well?

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Regular Contributor

Just tested in 100.7.0. It might be very slightly less responsive than 100.6.0 but it's nearly the same. It's still clear that 100.8.0 is different. I ran them all at the same time with the same set of maps.

I ran them with Task Manager and just zoomed out to a US view in the 3D and dragged the map back and forth, and 100.8.0 peaks a little higher in CPU usage, around 14-15% vs. 8-10% for the other two versions. Memory usage is similar, a bit higher for 100.8.0 (398MB, 408.8MB, 423.1MB). GPU usage similar, peaking around 40-42% for all three versions.

Is running a 2D and 3D view simultaneously (though they're not visible at the same time, only one is visible at a time) and loading everything to both of them the same possibly the culprit? I don't really know what to test for. It's a bit difficult to turn off the 2D view completely but if you think there's a chance that's related I can try it.

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Regular Contributor

I tried removing as much of the 2D stuff as I could. I still add the maps to the Basemap but I stopped the code from adding my usual graphics layers to the 2D view. The result was pretty similar to before. It doesn't seem like that made a significant difference.

One other thing I noticed is that the zooming in and out stutters much more and has a significantly lower framerate in 100.8.0 than in 100.6.0 or 100.7.0 when there's much map data. The code is the same and I add all the same stuff.

Is there anywhere I can look at the frames per second being rendered? That might be helpful to measure what I'm seeing but I don't see anywhere in the API reference where I can get that information.

Thanks for your help.

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Esri Frequent Contributor


A couple of questions:

- Is all your data comprised local file formats + graphics and no remote services at all? 

- Do you have any code running on UI events e.g. MouseMove?



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Regular Contributor

Yes, local files and no remote servers, although I added one server:

ArcGISTiledLayer imageryTiledLayer = new ArcGISTiledLayer(new Uri(
imageryTiledLayer.Id = "ESRI";
m_esriMapData = new MapLayerData(imageryTiledLayer, MapLayerConfigurationData.Enabled, false);

Sometimes I had it visible and sometimes I had it not visible when I was testing. I think when I don't have it enabled it's not added to the overlays at all.

I do have an event for MouseMove, at least in 2D, but not in 3D. I have a SimpleRenderer that I add to my model graphics overlay when I start up:

private SceneView m_sceneView = null;
public SceneView SceneView
get => m_sceneView;

ModelGraphicsOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay()
RenderingMode = GraphicsRenderingMode.Dynamic,
SceneProperties = new LayerSceneProperties() { SurfacePlacement = SurfacePlacement.Absolute }

SimpleRenderer renderer = new SimpleRenderer();
renderer.SceneProperties.HeadingExpression = "[Heading]";
renderer.SceneProperties.PitchExpression = "[Pitch]";
renderer.SceneProperties.RollExpression = "[Roll]";

ModelGraphicsOverlay.Renderer = renderer;
ModelGraphicsOverlay.LabelsEnabled = true;

ModelGraphicsOverlay.SceneProperties.SurfacePlacement = SurfacePlacement.Relative;

m_sceneView = value;


foreach (GraphicsOverlay graphicsOverlay in m_newGraphicsOverlayCollection)


//AttributeLabelClass ac = new AttributeLabelClass();
//ac.TextExpression = "[Label]";
//ac.Symbol = new TextSymbol();
//ac.Symbol.Font = new SymbolFont("Segoe UI", 18.0, SymbolFontStyle.Normal, SymbolTextDecoration.None, SymbolFontWeight.Bold);
//ac.Symbol.Color = Colors.White;
//ac.LabelPlacement = LabelPlacement.PointAboveCenter;
//ac.LabelPosition = LabelPosition.FixedPositionWithOverlaps;
//ac.LabelPriority = LabelPriority.Automatic;


SceneView.SelectionProperties.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;


There's this and then I add a bunch of TPKs to the Basemap, and that's about all it's doing.

I guess I'll try not adding the overlay with the SimpleRenderer and see if that does anything.

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Regular Contributor

I removed the server connection stuff and I took out all the graphics layers I was adding to the SceneView. Now it's just the map alone, local TPKs only, and it still hitches more and scrolls less smoothly than 100.6.0 or 100.7.0. I tried removing most of the maps, just the 2GB world map and the boundaries map (~160MB) and I still see that behavior.

I found out that Windows 10 has framerate benchmarking built in now. I ran 100.7.0 and just zoomed in and out so the map was continuously moving. The framerate for 100.7.0 was 35-53, usually between 40-45. Framerate for 100.8.0 was 20-25, consistently in that range. CPU usage was similar, although it was lower more often for 100.7.0. It seemed like 100.7.0 had higher peak CPU usage but lower average (maybe averaging 25-30%, peak 53%), whereas 100.8.0 used more consistently (30-45%) but didn't peak as high.

So I believe the issue I'm seeing is that difference in framerate. You could try measuring on your side with some local TPKs and scrolling, maybe you can see the issue as well, or maybe it has to do with my GPU, I don't know. If you hit Windows Key + G, you get this Xbox menu, and there's a little bar that has a button marked Performance. If you have your window selected, then you do Windows+G, then click performance, it'll start running a frame counter on the window you had selected when you brought it up.

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