I am developing a simple map application , in which user can draw shapes (say, rectangle ) on map .The users also have the flexibility to rotate the shapes. .The part where I am stuck is that i need to know this angle of rotation , by which the user rotated the shapes before completecommand was executed. Has anyone figured this out before?
The amount a geometry was rotated is not exposed.
Hi..Thanks for replying ! Do you have any pointers about how can it be found ? I need that angle of rotation for my application.
The only way I can thing of is trigonometry. For instance check the angle between the first vertex and second vertex before and after the edit.
Thanks for the help. ..I will try to work in that direction.Also, I am not sure how to find the vertices of the user drawn polygon.I can see that extent class provides the xmin.xmax,ymin,ymax , but not the vertex co-ordinates. Please let me know ,how to find the vertex coordinates..