In previous versions of ArcGis Runtime(10.something), MapView had a property called MaximumExtent to limit the extent on the map view. How can it be done now with ArcGIS Runtime 100.something versions?
Support for MaxExtent is on our backlog, but not available at this time.
You could use the NavigationChanged event which is triggered after a navigation has completed, and then "snap back" to the extent you want to be in.
Will MaxExtent be available in next update of ArcGIS Runtime?
The next update is rather unlikely at this point. The main limitation is that this isn't really part of the ArcGIS System, so need to get it sync'ed up between all products (ArcGIS Pro, JS API etc)
Is there any release milestone for this issue? When I use the MapViewViewpointChanged or NavigationChanged event, it is hard to make it stable and robust when use zoom, rotate and moving. The MaximumExtent property in the previous main version (10.2.7) is really helpful for us.
I can't share any solid promise for when/if this feature would be delivered, but I've added your +1 to the backlog issue.
I am interested in this issue too, I'd be happy if you managed to solve it.