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Map to Show WMS Content : 2000 x 2000 pixel maximum?

02-11-2015 05:42 AM
Emerging Contributor


I am trying to show a WMS map on a 4k monitor with mapproxy hosted content. But it only shows the map if it is max. 2000 x 2000 pixel big.

It is no server problem :

My mapproxy server is configured to deliver much more than 2000 pixels. And I am able to see these pictures if I open it in the Internet Explorers.

What I see on the server is that my client wants a 0 size big picture if I want a bigger size than 2000 x 2000


Marvin Kalani

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6 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

Could you use Fiddler (or any equivalent tool) to look at the requests sent to the server?

1) Does the service advertise a maxWidth and maxHeight in its capabilities?

Looking at answer to GetCapabilities request, you could see something like:



This is optional in WMS specs though.

2) What are the value of the parameters WIDTH and HEIGHT in the 'GetMap' requests sent to the server?

3) What is the answer of the server to these 'GetMap' requests?


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Emerging Contributor


thank you for the fast reply.

Here are my investigations :

1) There is no MaxWidth or MaxHeight value in the GetCapabilities request

2) The value of the parameters WIDTH and HEIGHT in the 'GetMap' requests sent to the server is 0 if I exceed 2048 X 2048

3) The answer of the server to these 'GetMap' requests is  : Http 500



Marvin Kalani

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Esri Frequent Contributor

Strange. I can't reproduce (at least with the latest 10.2.5 version)

Which version of ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .Net do you use? (if 10.2.4 could you try with 10.2.5 which might fixed this kind of issue)

If 10.2.5, can you share the wms service url that allows reproducing the problem?

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Esri Notable Contributor

Most servers we tested with had a max size of 2048, but often didn't advertise it, so we did put in a limit of 2048 if it wasn't specified in the capabilities. However the image shouldn't end up as 0, but stretch the 2048x2048 image instead (so that might be a bug).

If you can modify the capabilities to include the MaxWidth/MaxHeight properties and set them to something very large, you can override the default 2048 maximum.

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Emerging Contributor

Dominique :

1) With Version the  image is displayed when I stretch the image over 2048 in width. The 0 map request is fixed in that version. But the street names are unreadable now if I only stretch into one direction.

2) Because it's a local running Mapproxy server, I can not share the wms service url with you.

Morten : the "max_output_pixels" setting is configured to [9999,9999] but I can't find no direct setting for MaxHeight or MaxWidth. Maybe you could help me with the MapProxy configuration to set the right value.

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Esri Frequent Contributor

Dominique :

1) With Version the  image is displayed when I stretch the image over 2048 in width. The 0 map request is fixed in that version.

Great. That's the expected behavior. Thanks for letting us know that the bug is fixed.

But the street names are unreadable now if I only stretch into one direction.

The strech should be uniform in both directions. Do you observe another behavior?

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