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Layer.ShowInLegend is ignored in the ArcGIS Runtime Toolkit Preview TOC after version 100.4

04-15-2021 06:26 PM
Emerging Contributor

We have been using the ArcGIS Toolkit "Preview" Table of Contents in our WPF application.  As we load layers, we set the "Layer.ShowInLegend" property to true or false base on some business logic.  This was working great.

We recently discovered that Windows Location Services does not provide an accurate GPS location.  The release notes for .Net SDK 100.10 indicates the possibility to utilize a NMEA data source, such as a COM port GPS.  This motivated us to finally upgrade the applications to 100.10.  We also upgraded to the 100.10 Toolkit and associated Toolkit Preview.  Once the projects were upgraded, we noticed that all layers on the map show in the Table of Contents, regardless of the "ShowInLegend" setting.

We have downgraded to SDK 100.9, 100.8, and 100.7 with corresponding Toolkits.  It appears this functionality is broken at least in these versions.  

I have attempted to compare the 100.4 toolkit source code with the 100.10 code.  There are few similarities.  Where 100.4 has an "ObservableLayerContentList", there is no such object in 100.10.

I would like to think I'm not the only person using the TOC.  Has anyone else experienced this issue?  Does this issue also exist in the "Legend" toolkit control?

What to do?

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1 Reply
Emerging Contributor

Well, I guess I'm the only person using the TOC from the toolkit.

I may have to develop my own TOC since this solution just doesn't work and no solution or workaround is available.

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