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Is there a method to draw an arc?

01-03-2018 02:42 PM
Regular Contributor

Like creating an Ellipse or Polygon, Is there any method to draw an arc?


3 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Creating curves programmatically are not supported at this point.

You can approximate arcs manually with a bit of trigonometry, or you can use the GeometryEngine methods to create various forms of ellipses and arcs (I don't know your scenario, but these methods might be what you're really looking for - or not at all):

  • GeometryEngine.EllipseGeodesic
  • GeometryEngine.Buffer
  • GeometryEngine.BufferGeodesic
  • GeometryEngine.SectorGeodesic
  • GeometryEngine.DensifyGeodetic

See doc here:

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Regular Contributor

Hi Morten,

Thank you for the information. I want to create arcs to make an arc circuit with 4 arcs, similar to bow tie with arcs.

In the Geometry Engine, I did not see any methods to create just arcs like you mentioned. Is there any? 



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Esri Notable Contributor

As mentioned no there's no such methods. I listed a set of methods that generates curve-like geometries, in case that was what you were really looking for.

I don't understand what you mean by arc circuits and bow ties. In any case, you'd have to calculate the vertices along the arc yourself to make a polyline that looks curved.

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