i'am trying to visualize a 3D SceneLayer so i generated a layer package and i created a localFeatureService using this .lpk (generated with ArcScene 10.4) i did it like this way :
var sceneService = new ocalFeatureService(@"C:\Users\mkeddar\Documents\ArcGIS\Geom3DServitudeGabarit.lpk");
await sceneService.StartAsync();
var layer = new ArcGISSceneLayer();
layer.Source = new Uri($"{sceneService.Url}/0");
SceneView.Scene.BaseSurface.BackgroundGrid = new Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UI.BackgroundGrid(Colors.White, Colors.White, 0, 100f);
but i have a generated exception when try to start the sceneService.StartAsync();
i think that the problem is with (.lpk) ? Does arcGis runtime local server v 100.1 supports (.lpk) and (.slpk)?
Create a local scene layer package instead and use it directly with the SceneLayer. That way you don't need local server at all.
Note that a FeatureLayer and a SceneLayer are two very different things. You can't use a feature service to expose a scene, and you can't consume a feature layer in a scene layer.
Hello Morten , thanks for your answer
I don't have arcGIS Pro on my desktop so i can't create a .SLPK ,all i have is arc Map 10.4 will it work if i do it this way ?
var uri = new Uri(@"C:\Users\mkeddar\Documents\ArcGIS\Geom3DServitudeGabarit.lpk");
//visualisation 3D
var layer = new ArcGISSceneLayer();
layer.Source = new Uri($"{uri}/0");
// await layer.LoadAsync();
i joind my .lpk on my original post
thanks in advanced
No that won't work. You have to convert the data to SLPK (but then the above would work, if you loose the '/0' portion)
Hello but i dont have ArcGis pro licence i have arcMap 10.4
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Le 25 juil. 2017 à 18:29, Morten Nielsen <geonet@esri.com> a écrit :
Re: Is .lpk supported with arcGIS runtime local server v 100.1 ?
reply from Morten Nielsen in ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET - View the full discussion
No that won't work. You have to convert the data to SLPK (but then the above would work, if you loose the '/0' portion)
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On my .lpk i have a three sceneLayers I need to display the first layer how I can do that ? Need a sample code please ?
Envoyé de mon iPhone
Le 25 juil. 2017 à 18:29, Morten Nielsen <geonet@esri.com> a écrit :
Re: Is .lpk supported with arcGIS runtime local server v 100.1 ?
reply from Morten Nielsen in ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET - View the full discussion
No that won't work. You have to convert the data to SLPK (but then the above would work, if you loose the '/0' portion)
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Hello ,
please i need a sample code that works , here what i tried :
var layer = new ArcGISSceneLayer();
layer.Source = new Uri(@"C:\Users\mkeddar\Documents\ArcGIS\Geom3DServitudeGabarit.lpk");
when i debug Layer.source i have null value what i should do in this case ?
As I mentioned earlier, LPK files are not supported. You need SLPK. Otherwise your code should be ok.