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Identify features from a FeatureCollectionLayer

05-09-2017 09:04 PM
Deactivated User

I am adding features to my map by manually creating a FeatureCollectionLayer from a JSON webservice.  Now I am not able to identify features on my map once they are tapped.  The IdentifyLayerAsync method seems will not return any GeoElements.

I am using the exact same code on a FeatureLayer and it works perfectly. 

Does the process change for a FeatureCollectionLayer?

2 Replies
Deactivated User

After further research, it appears that identify is only available on Feature Layers and Graphic Layers.  Features in a FeatureCollectionLayer are not capable of having GeoElements identified.

Esri Contributor

For identifying on FeatureCollections, try checking the SublayerResults...

something like this:

if (identifyLayerResult.SublayerResults?.Count > 0)


foreach (var sr in identifyLayerResult.SublayerResults)


if (sr.Popups?.Count > 0)


identifyInfoString += sr.LayerContent.Name + ": --> " + sr.Popups.Count + " features identified." + Environment.NewLine;




identifyInfoString += sr.LayerContent.Name + ": --> " + sr.GeoElements.Count + " features identified." + Environment.NewLine;


