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Feature Service is not associated with a feature table

08-09-2017 06:20 AM
New Contributor

Hi, I´m using the latest version of Arcgis SDK for .NET in a wpf app. I developed a user control which interacts with map and feature services, I'm able to create features in the user control and returning them to the wpf app where I call a method (SyncFeatures) that adds/updates the features received from the user control. Inside method SyncFeatures I add some attributes to the features like this

pObjResultadoRegistroDomiciliario.FeatureDomicilioPersona.SetAttributeValue("usuario", pUsuario);

when that line is executed i get an InvalidOperationException "Cannot call this method in this context: Feature Service is not associated with a feature table". 

Debugging I found that "FeatureDomicilioPersona" has a property FeatureTable which is a ServiceFeatureTable, when I receive the feature from the user control the property FeatureDomicilioPersona.FeatureTable has content: 

but when I send the feature to the SyncFeatures method that property magically disappears:

Having the property FeatureTable set to null is the reason for the exception I get.

I followed the examples and guides for the sdk but I´m not able to find the reason for that behavior

Is there something I missing? 

Thanks for your help!

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor


First you need to load all the fields of the ServiceFeatureTable using  QueryFeatureFields.LoadAll and then call SetAttributeValue() method.. By default, it loads only the minimum fields and I believe that causes the error.

 FeatureQueryResult queryResult = await _featureTable.QueryFeaturesAsync(queryParams, QueryFeatureFields.LoadAll);

I tried at my side and I don't get the error anymore, otherwise I do get the same error. 

Hope that helps.


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