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Exporting Tiles

10-31-2017 11:28 AM
New Contributor III

It seems that if you execute an ExportTileCacheJob and specify an existing tile package file location, the existing tile package is overwritten. I am looking for a way to make incremental calls to ExportTileCacheJob using an extent and/or scale level(s) of detail, and have the tiles merged/replaced in an existing tile package without losing tiles for the extents/scale level(s) that I am not requesting in the current call to ExportTileCacheJob. Is this possible? If not, has someone figured out a way to do this so I don't have to ask for full extent and all scale levels all at once whenever I want to download?


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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Incremental updates to tile packages are not supported. You'd have to export to a separate file and add it as a separate layer.

New Contributor III

Thanks for the answer. Can I add multiple tile packages to a basemap? I tried this:

// Add 400k tile package

var tileFolder = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "CookCounty400000.tpk");
_map.Basemap.BaseLayers.Add(new ArcGISTiledLayer(new Uri(tileFolder)));

// Add 250k tile package
tileFolder = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "CookCounty250000.tpk");
_map.Basemap.BaseLayers.Add(new ArcGISTiledLayer(new Uri(tileFolder)));

// Add 100k tile package
tileFolder = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "CookCounty100000.tpk");
_map.Basemap.BaseLayers.Add(new ArcGISTiledLayer(new Uri(tileFolder)));

// Add 24k tile package
tileFolder = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "CookCounty24000.tpk");
_map.Basemap.BaseLayers.Add(new ArcGISTiledLayer(new Uri(tileFolder)));

The BaseLayers.Count property shows 4 baselayers, but it won't let me zoom beyond the first one that gets added.

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