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Esri.ArcGISRuntime.ArcGISRuntimeException: Object already owned.: Already owned

03-28-2018 07:59 AM
Occasional Contributor

This is on Xamarin.Android.

Due to a known memory leak, we have created a static MapView and static Graphic Overlays for reuse.  We received this error when loading a "GraphicOverlay" into the MapViews "GraphicsOverlays".

The code that runs to load the layers


App.MapView.GraphicsOverlays.Clear();    App.MapView.GraphicsOverlays.Add(_plannedRouteGraphics);  App.MapView.GraphicsOverlays.Add(_routeGraphicsLayer);  App.MapView.GraphicsOverlays.Add(_deviceRouteGraphicsLayer);  App.View.GraphicsOverlays.Add(_directionGraphics);  App.MapView.GraphicsOverlays.Add(_directionArrowGraphics);  App.MapView.GraphicsOverlays.Add(_stopGraphics);

Not all the time, but we from time to time get the following Exception

Esri.ArcGISRuntime.ArcGISRuntimeException: Object already owned.: Already owned.
Esri.ArcGISRuntime.ArcGISException.HandleCoreError ():0
RuntimeCoreNet.GeneratedWrappers.Interop.CheckError ():0
RuntimeCoreNet.GeneratedWrappers.CoreVector.Insert ():0
at Esri.ArcGISRuntime.RuntimeCollection`1+<>c__DisplayClass17_0.b__4 () [0x00023] in :0
Esri.ArcGISRuntime.RuntimeCollection`1.ExecuteActionWithUndo ():0
Esri.ArcGISRuntime.RuntimeCollection`1.InsertItem ():0
Esri.ArcGISRuntime.RuntimeObservableCollection`1.InsertItem ():0
Esri.ArcGISRuntime.RuntimeCollection`1.Add () : 0
Do we need to remove each of the layers one by one?  Does clear not remove the association?  Is it because the "GraphicOverlays" still have graphics in them?  Do we need to clear those Graphics first before adding them?
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9 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

A layer can only belong to one map, and a map as well as graphics overlays can only belong to one mapview at a time.

So if you are reusing your overlays, make sure they get disconnected from the old mapview before assigning them to a new mapview. One way to do this is when you leave a page, to unhook them from the mapview control. Ie mapView.GraphicsOverlays = null; (or clear out the binding / datacontext if you're binding). That ensures things gets unhooked immediately rather than waiting for the garbage collector to break the link.

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Occasional Contributor

So calling MapView.GraphicsOverlays.Clear() isn't enough?  I have to make it null, then create a new collection for the disassociation to work?

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Occasional Contributor

Another piece of information, is that both the Map and MapView are static as well as the graphic overlays so they are really if anything just rehooking to itself (to ensure properly z order).

We have 

static MapView mapView;

static Map map;

static Dictionary<string, GraphicOverlay> overlays;

Code when setting up the page on the fragment

//Load map

if(mapView?.Map?.LoadStatus != LoadStatus.Loaded)


   map = MapManager.GetMap(/* parameters to load type */);

   mapView.Map = map;


//Load layers


_plannedRouteGraphics = overlays["NameOfFragment_PlannedRoute"];


//Same code for a few other graphics


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Emerging Contributor

Is it solved your issue? Still, am facing the same issue i.e., Object already owned

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Esri Frequent Contributor

Hi Shylendra Madda

If you see that exception message it is because you are attempting to share something that has a specific ownership hierarchy (e.g. renderers and graphics overlay)

Please can you share your code to help us advise you on a resolution?



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Emerging Contributor

I am using the same map package to display in two different fragments. How

to resolve it?



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Esri Notable Contributor

Make sure the Map is unhooked from the MapView in the previous fragment before assigning it to a new view.

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Emerging Contributor

Okay got it thanks for the response.



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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

I was getting this "already owned" exception with 100.7 on WPF.

I'm using MVVM with an observablecollection of  MapVMs where each MapVM has a Map property.

This behavior seems to fix the issue. 

At first I tried doing this in OnDetaching, but it never gets called (shouldn't it?)

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