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EncExchangeSet.LoadAsync() Internal Error: Failed to load ENC exchange set

04-08-2022 01:59 AM
New Contributor

When I try to load an EncExchangeSet object, I get the following error:

Esri.ArcGISRuntime.ArcGISRuntimeException: Internal Error: Failed to load ENC exchange set

I use the same code provided in the sample codes section (, and I feed the EncExchangeSet constructor with a valid path to a "CATALOG.031" file.

I get this error in the loading step:



await myEncExchangeSet.LoadAsync();



What may cause this error and what should I do to fix this?

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3 Replies
Emerging Contributor

Hello, are you able to share the CATALOG.031 file?

Can you paste the code that loads the CATALOG.031 file?



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Emerging Contributor


I am trying the file attached below. 

And I am using the code from this example: 

In the 

await myEncExchangeSet.LoadAsync();

line, I get this error:

Esri.ArcGISRuntime.ArcGISRuntimeException: Internal Error: Failed to load ENC exchange set



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Emerging Contributor



These charts are Inland ENC (IENC) and apparently not supported by ArcGIS Runtime.

I was able to view them with an older version (100.2).


Use this demo app:



However, ArcGIS Runtime versions after 100.2 will not load IENC data.

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