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Does 'IIF arcade expression' supports in Renderer?

09-26-2023 04:28 PM
Occasional Contributor


I am currently working on to using IIF syntax arcade expression in renderer which is coming from JSON.
So far, I can confirm that simple "valueExpression" in the JSON works fine such as "valueExpression='$feature.category'". But, it won't accept more complicated arcade expression using IIF condition statement.

var nV = IIF($feature.nV != null && $feature.nV != $feature.v, '-'+ $feature.nV,'');
var cS = IIF($feature.cS != null && $feature.cS != 'closed', '-'+ $feature.cS, '');
IIF(IsEmpty($feature.endDate), IIF($feature.category == 'brick', $feature.v + nV + cS, $feature.v), 'expired')

var serializeOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions
WriteIndented = true,
Encoder = JavaScriptEncoder.UnsafeRelaxedJsonEscaping
string jsonRenderer = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(uniqueRenderJSON[renderName], serializeOptions);
_renderer = Renderer.FromJson(jsonRenderer);
featureCollectionTable.Renderer = _renderer;

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