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Creating a raster from a two dimensional array

04-11-2023 06:18 AM
Labels (2)
New Contributor II

I was wondering if I'm trying to do something that is not supported. I've got a two dimensional array of depth soundings (bathymetric data). Each cell is offset off of a origin position (lon, lat) with a fixed distance. So each cell represents a depth sounding at a specific location (lon, lat).

I've made an implementation that is able to create features of it and add them to a featurecollection for display on a map but that quickly runs in a large amount of features. A small cell already has 554 x 554 values which already has 300.000+ features. Larger datasets have 1000x1000 values that generate in the 1.000.000 features range.

So I dicovered the RasterLayer which seems fit for this purpose. Only all examples point to loading data from a file, a service or a Sqllite database. I've got an array of x times y doubles and I want to create a raster from that array. I know I could generate a temporary TIFF file from the array and create a raster from that but it seems a bit illogical having to do that. Isn't there an easy way to create a Raster from a 2-dimensional array?

I'm using C# in a .NET 6 environment running the 200.0.0 ArcGISRuntime.


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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Is it possible to generate a raster file from your data? The raster layer uses georeferenced raster images, so if you can dump it to jpeg, tiff etc you should be good.

New Contributor II

Yeah, that's what I suspected I had to do but it seems so .. inefficient to me. But it looks like that'll be the only way I've got to tackle the issue. I've already begun using Gdal to create TIFF files, write it to the temp folder and then use that to create a raster. Thanks for your answer!

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