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Create geofencing/buffer around the area given by KMZ File

11-29-2021 05:05 AM
New Contributor
Hello Team,

We are using Visual Studio for Mac software and using Xamarin.Forms for developing an application for iOS, android, windows. We are using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Xamarin.Forms package version 100.10.0.
How to create geofencing/buffer around the area given by KMZ File? We have KMZ layer for US country and we are creating envelope using FullExtent property from its object as shown in the image.

Yellow region is the KML layer.
Light Green diagonal lines are the Envelope which we are getting from FullExtent Property of KML Layer.

Now, we observed that the two areas in conical shape(yellow color) below Light Green are left which are NOT covered from Full Extent property. Due to this, our requirements do not meet. 

Please suggest how can we cover this left-over area in envelope as well. 
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