I'm new to Development. I need to create a Windows based map that is not online the data is stored on the local computer. I'm trying to find examples, tutorials that could help me create this. I'm only finding examples and tutorials that are mostly for IOS and Android. Any suggestions on where to look.
I recommend starting with https://developers.arcgis.com/net/offline-maps-scenes-and-data/
Also take a look at this example: https://github.com/Esri/data-collection-dotnet
Thanks Michael. I can't do offline maps. The map or GIS viewer has to run completly off of a computers c:\ drive. The GIS viewer that I have to create can't connect to the internet to get it's data. This is for Emergency Management so if there is an Disaster that takes down the internet this GIS viewer can still work.
In this topic - https://developers.arcgis.com/net/offline-maps-scenes-and-data/ - the specific info is:
Fully disconnected: A fully disconnected workflow is suitable for apps that do not require regular data updates, or for apps that will never have access to a network connection. Apps can operate in a fully disconnected environment by opening mobile map packages or mobile scene packages created with ArcGIS Pro. These read-only packages can be shared within an organization or distributed by traditional means and copied onto any number of devices. See Take a map offline with ArcGIS Pro or Take a scene offline with ArcGIS Pro for more details.
Also see this topic https://developers.arcgis.com/net/layers/#arcgis-data-layers for info on specific layer types that can be used offline (as packages and files).