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Correspondence between ADS (ArcGIS Developer Subsciption) and ArcgiS Runtime

03-24-2020 03:36 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Correspondence between ADS (ArcGIS Developer Subsciption) and ArcgiS Runtime.
ADS has this packages:
•    Builder
•    Professional
•    Premium
•    Enterprise
And in ArcGIS Runtime:
•    Lite
•    Basic
•    Standard
•    Advanced

I need to know which type of ArcGIS Runtime is included in each ArcGIS Developer subscription.
In this case, my customer (Tecnosylva) has ADS Professional. Is ArcGIS Runtime Standard included in ADS Professional?

If the customer has ArcGIS Runtime Standar, I need to know how I obtain the key, because key of ArcGIS Runtime lite is gotten of Dashboard in

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3 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor


All ArcGIS Developer Subscription plans from Lite upwards include access to the ArcGIS Runtime SDKs for development purposes. For more information see:

Compare Plans | ArcGIS for Developers (Building Apps)

Compare Plans | ArcGIS for Developers (Extending the Platform)

To license ArcGIS Runtime for deployment your customer can either use the free license key (Lite only, non-revenue generating apps), purchase deployment packs (Basic, Standard, Advanced, and Extensions), or license the app at runtime by signing in as an ArcGIS User. For more information see:

Licensing your ArcGIS Runtime App | ArcGIS for Developers 

To purchase Basic, Standard, Advanced, and Extension licenses, if you are a US customer please contact Esri Customer Service or call 888-377-4575. If you are outside the US, please contact your local Esri distributor.



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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

In a first place, thank you so much for your help.

I already known your links but I had doubts yet about runtime standard.

In conclusion, level of ArcGIS Runtime license is necessary only to deploy the app, for developing with lite key is enough.

If my customer buy ArcGIS Runtime Standard, I suposse the complete key of this level is given to him.

Best regards Mike!

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Esri Frequent Contributor


This is correct: "ArcGIS Runtime license is necessary only to deploy the app".

But note Lite is not required for development, Lite is a level of deployment license.

For development, only a developer account/subscription is required: at the free Essentials level or higher depending on your requirements.

