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Building a MultiLayerPointSymbol with a TextSymbol

01-08-2024 04:26 PM
Emerging Contributor

I am interested in building a Text Symbol whose width I can control. What is the best way to go about this? Using the CIM viewer plugin in ArcGIS Pro I was able to come up with a symbol definition that gets me closer to this (by using the ScaleX attribute on the CIMPointSymbol) but I am not sure how to build this using the Symbology API. Unlike a SimpleMarkerSymbol , the text symbol cannot be converted to a multilayer symbol. Ideally I would like to set the raw width value instead of a scale on the x axis since I know the bounding box width of my text.

I am currently trying to do this by using the json representation of the symbol but wondering if it there might be a simpler way. 


See attachments for the symbol definitions.

Thank you!

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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Generally text symbols are represented with geometries (ie the shape of the characters are converted to polygons). Text symbols are problematic because a font might not be available on all the different platforms ArcGIS runs.

Emerging Contributor

Thank you for the response. Can you please elaborate? I am not sure I follow this "text symbols are represented with geometries (ie the shape of the characters are converted to polygons)". Are you implying that if a text symbol is converted to a geometry then we can scale it on both axis? 

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