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ArcGIS Runtime support for 'plugin datasource'

05-27-2022 09:56 AM
New Contributor

Does the new Runtime support 'the Plugin Datasource' concept (e.g., for .NET)?  I know the older ArcEngine Runtime (circa 2005) used to support it for C++.  Looking to source the ESRI map inside our desktop product with a non-ESRI datamodel and was hoping to implement ESRI Plugin Datasource to achieve this.

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1 Reply
Esri Frequent Contributor

ArcGIS Runtime doesn't share the same Plugin Datasource model as ArcGIS Engine but supports many data/layer types and provides layers/overlays that can be used to render other content (GraphicsOverlay and FeatureCollectionTable).


Can you share any more information about the data format you need to support?

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